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  1. J

    Loose Lips Might Sink Ships!

    I've mainly been on for the last week, so I was a little disconcerted that one of the first threads I read here had a bit of (likely very innocuous) insider military info in it. I'd like to remind all TFL members that: Loose Lips Might Sink Ships! Here are some good threads...
  2. J

    New Doubts About Gun Historian (Bellesiles is back in the news!)

    Many of you remember Michael Bellesiles, who occupies the Orwell & Stalin Chair of Historical Revisionism at Emory Univerity here in Atlanta, and his book "Arming American", which asserts that guns and hunting were actually quite rare in America before the Mexican War -- even on the frontier...
  3. J

    Few Police Officers Use Gun Locks: Survey (duh!)

    Emphasis mine. Let's see, 1/2 wouldn't take the locks, and 65% of those who took the locks weren't using them. That says only 17-18% are using free locks.
  4. J

    Gun "buyback" in DeKalb County GA; Suggestions needed

    I just read this on Neal Boortz's site: I'm looking for suggestions for protesting this event from those who have engaged in past gun "buyback" events. Thanks in advance.
  5. J

    "Hitchikers May Be Escaping Inmates" (amusing 10k image)

    My son got this in his email. It's probably been posted before, but thought it worthwhile to post just the same. :) I think that's the prison in the background. How'd you like to be an escaped con looking at that sign!
  6. J

    Seven Taliban authorities shot and killed by a woman?

    Jerry Pournelle is hard to describe (space scientist, science fiction writer, computer columnist, just to start), but take it from me, he is a very interesting guy with many equally interesting correspondents. He posts interesting emails on many issues (computers, politics, military affairs) on...
  7. J

    Molon Labe and the Alamo

    I visited San Antonio and the Alamo this last week. FWIW, Thermopylae is mentioned on one of the large bronze plaques mounted out in front, towards the street, at the Alamo. I, of course, was wearing my stylish Molon Labe hat while visiting. I told one of the docents what it said and how it...
  8. J

    Armed nutcase in construction crane in Atlanta - Developing situation

    I will post more here when I find it - just heard this on the car radio while making a run to the cleaners. Others with info feel free to pile on. This is occurring at the BellSouth development at the Lindberg Drive MARTA station. Apparently, when the crane operator arrived for work this AM, a...
  9. J

    THE NUGE! Ted Nugent on Fox News Channel 6/14 9PM EDT

    I just saw a teaser on Fox News Channel. The Nuge is going to be on The Edge with Paula (Ditzy) Zahn tonight at 9PM EDT. If you don't get FNC, call your cable operator and dog them, or get a dish. From the teaser I saw, Ted looked like he was in top form! :) The time is right, but it's on...
  10. J

    Doctor asked us about "guns in the home" today

    I took my son to the pediatrician today for his annual school physical. The nurse was doing some preliminaries, and in going through a list of standard questions ("any known allergies", "any history of high cholesterol in the family", that sort of thing), asked "do you have any guns in the...
  11. J

    An open letter to U.N. Delegates re:

    Since we're now about a month away from the July 9 United Nations Small Arms Conference in NYC, I thought it apropos to post the following, which I just received from a friend: And remember, here in the U.S. of A., July 9 is NATIONAL FIREARM PURCHASE DAY, in commemoration of the UN's attempts...
  12. J

    "Shovel Control" from Cooper's Commentaries

    This is great! From the latest of Jeff Cooper's Commentaries
  13. J

    (MN) Police Rally Against Gun Bill (pro-gun restrictions police)

    I don't want to start a general cop-bashing thread. That said, these particular cops deserve bashing. Is the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association chiefs, or rank-and-file? Either way, this stinks.
  14. J

    Officer wounds sword-wielding teen (!!!!)

    Never carry a knife to a gun fight. . .
  15. J

    Cincinnati - Blacks riot after police shoot suspect - mini-L.A.

    This picture is worth a thousand words: Two threads on with many more images, including burning storefronts, whites assaulted and bleeding profusely for being in the wrong place / wrong time. FreeRepublic Thread #1 FreeRepublic Thread #2 A case summary of the 15 Black men...
  16. J

    Another one bites the dust! Would-be carjacker shot dead in Memphis by CCW Holder

    Comments in boldface. Edited to add picture: Yikes! - I didn't notice at first that the source publication had this picture with the deceased perp still under the SUV: Crime scene cards mark a pistol and shell casings Wednesday in the parking lot of Southland Mall. "This is a carjacking gone...
  17. J

    Pit bull shot in attack on woman

    If I had been attacked before, I wouldn't have waited to be attacked again. Ms. Patterson shows more restraint than I would have. Of course, there is no reason for someone to need to carry a handgun. [/sarcasm] But Patterson and her 12-year old son Zachary told police a different story. The...
  18. J

    Military's next maneuver: Going green - Lead alert

    Lead is going to be the environmental assault on the 2A. Q: Does anyone have any experience with lead leaching from ammo to ground and surface water? I would not expect that lead from a bullet would leach much.
  19. J

    Gary Kleck editorial on WSJ's

    Read the rest at the link above. More level-headed material from Mr. Kleck, as we would expect. Glad to see it getting published in the Wall Street Journal's, which I'm pretty sure means it is also on the editorial pages (last 2 pages of the A-section) of today's print...
  20. J

    Man rescues his neighbor from attacker - with a .357

    This was on Boortz's page on Tuesday, and I couldn't find an online source. We should always just call 911 and wait for the police. :rolleyes: Only, in this case, if Mr. Peppers hadn't acted, the police would have been overseeing the zipping of a body bag. Kudos to the local police Lt. for...