Search results

  1. P

    Considering Mosquito, but any fixes/updates planned?

    Hello all. I posted this over at SIGforum, but I wanted to get some input from you also. I'm very near to purchasing a .22 auto and am mainly interested in guns such as the Mosquito, P22, CZ-75 Kadet, etc. I have done research on all of them, and have handled all but the Kadet. Of the...
  2. P

    Joined the 1911 crowd...

    Today I went down to the local shop with my father, and we picked up a Springfield G.I. Spec 1911. Price was around $450, and after getting it home and doing an initial cleaning, it looks like quite a nice pistol. Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet, but I'll be sure to fill everyone in once...
  3. P

    Slide / frame play on P226?

    I was at my local shop the other day shopping with my father for a 1911. They happened to have a couple of pre-owned SIGs there also, and I decided to take a look at them just for fun. What I immediately noticed was that both weapons seemed to have quite a bit less "play" in the slide to frame...
  4. P

    How do you "cock" striker-fired auto?

    This is just another one of those things that popped into my head one day, and I never really got a satisfactory answer, so I figured, what better place to ask? It was prompted by the Walther P99, which of course has no external hammer, but does have a decocking "button" at the top rear of the...
  5. P

    Reversing 1911 mag release?

    My father is looking to purchase a 1911, and I've been helping him research and select one. He is left handed, so he would prefer if the weapon had controls (safety and magazine release) that were located where he could easily reach them with his left hand. A few of the main choices we've been...
  6. P

    US Military 9mm rounds?

    With some recent threads about 9mm ammunition, I began thinking a few days ago about military ammo. More specifically, with several 9mm US military-issue weapons in service (M9, P226, etc.), I'm curious about the ammunition used in these weapons. I assume that it varies depending upon the...
  7. P

    Why "cocked & locked" ?

    Hello all. I've been regularly visiting (and posting when I have a question or feel I can contribute) TFL for a while now, and of course I occasionally come across posts discussing carrying weapons "cocked & locked". First, my understanding of this term is a weapon with a round in the...
  8. P

    What's that buzzing.....?

    :D Looks like the Mosquito has finally begun to ship. I called around my local shops, but none had any in stock yet, and they didn't even seem to know much about it. Has anyone here had the opportunity to handle and/or shoot one of these yet? I'm seriously considering purchasing one as soon...
  9. P

    How to disassemble P226 magazine?

    Seeing as how my new P226 is my first SIG and my first handgun, I still have quite a few things to learn (to say nothing of my shooting, which is a work in progress ;) ). I've gotten quite good at field stripping and cleaning the weapon, but I have yet to disassemble, clean, and reassemble the...
  10. P

    SIG Mosquito release date?

    I've had my eye on the SIG Mosquito ever since I first learned of it. It seems like it might be a better alternative to the Walther P22 for me, since its description makes it sound a bit larger (90% the size of a P226). I wasn't too happy with how small the P22 actually was when I handled it...
  11. P

    First range trip with the P226...

    Well, I just returned from my first trip to the range with my recently purchased SIG P226 Rail. This was also my first time pistol shooting, so it was a great experience on two levels. First, I have to say that I'm very happy that I chose this SIG. Though I have nothing to compare it with, I...
  12. P

    Will this be acceptable range ammo?

    I've been looking online for inexpensive plinking ammo to put through my recently purchased P226 9mm. I'm not concerned about stopping power, etc., because it will only be used with paper targets at a maximum of 25 yds. Basically, I'm just looking for something that won't harm my weapon, fail...
  13. P

    Finally picked up the 226 - Of course a few ?'s

    After what seemed like years, I finally got the call today that my paperwork was all in order and I could go pick up the P226 Rail that had been waiting for me since I placed a deposit on it 2 weeks ago. I have read over the manual and practiced field stripping it, etc. Tomorrow I plan to go...
  14. P

    Put a deposit on my first handgun :)

    Well, today I drove to my local shop planning to put a deposit on a P22 they had in stock. I'd done lots of research here and online, and had thought that would be a good choice for me, but had never physically seen or held one. Once I got there and had the opportunity to handle it, I knew it...
  15. P

    P22 differences / improvements?

    Well, after lots of reading and researching, I think I've decided that at least one of my purchases is going to be a Walther P22 (for better or worse ;) ). That being said, I seem to recall reading that Walther had made some relatively recent "improvements" to this piece in order to address...
  16. P

    Suppressors legal in New Jersey?

    I wasn't certain whether this would be better to post here or in the "Legal" forum, but the description seemed to indicate that that forum is more for discussion rather than a simple yes/no question. Basically, I am trying to find information on suppressor/silencer legality in New Jersey. Some...
  17. P

    First-timer questions

    Hello everyone. This is my first visit to these forums and they appear to be an excellent resource. I hope to become a contributing member in the future once I gain some knowledge and experience. I will soon be purchasing my first firearm, and though I've done some research, I still find...