Search results

  1. P

    NAA cylinder

    Could someone please measure the length of their .22LR Mini cylinder. Not the cylinder for the magnum/LR convertible but the dedicated LR gun.
  2. P

    Lead Sled

    Does anyone have Caldwell's web site or phone number. Lost the legs on my Lead Sled.
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    Gun for girlfriend

    I know this is a question that is correctly answered, " have her shoot a bunch and she can pick the one best for her." That is the optimal scenario but is not feasible at this time. She is being stalked and I need to arm her now. She is 5'2" and probably 100 lbs. with correspondingly small...
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    Compact 9mm

    Thinking of a compact, slim 9mm. The Ruger LC9 is looking the best to me right now. The Glock seems to be much thicker b/c it's double stack. The size of the Taurus is about the same as the Ruger, but it's a Taurus. Any others I should be considering?
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    wooden ammo box.

    I want to make some old time wooden shotshell case boxes and I don't have the dimensions for the sub-gauges (20 and smaller) I'm talking about the old wooden box that hold a real full case, not these 10 box cardboard things they sell now. I know, I could stack up boxes of shells and get the...
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    P32 rimlock

    Is rimlock a real problem with the Kel Tec P32 or is it an overblown rarity? I would really like one but only if it's reliable. Definitely not the type of gun you can afford to malfunction when you need it.
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    radians comparison

    Can anyone give me a comparison of the tac-ear, a prowl ear, and enhance ear. The tac and prowl have behind the ear circuits and look the same other than color? The enhance ear is a small unit that is entirely inside the ear like a conventional plug. Can anyone give me a comparison of...
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    Cylinder gap pressure

    How much energy is lost at the barrel/cylinder gap. I've never seen it talked about but the gap has to affect pressure and velocity?
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    stock checkering

    I've been wanting to try stock checkering but have been terrified of ruining a good piece of wood. I have an old stock to try on now and wanted suggestions on what tools are absolutely necessary and any tips you have to offer. Thanks.
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    new .204

    Thinking of getting a .204. Hopefully mostly for prairie dogs and to a lesser extent coyotes, foxes, etc. I would like a pretty heavy gun with a wide forend for long range accuracy shooting over bags. The Ruger varmint/target looks pretty good to me but I'm not real sure about Ruger accuracy...
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    Tracking Point scopes

    Gimmick or revolutionary? Don't know how many have seen this but it is a scope eith a rangefinder built in. It is supposed to allow you to consistently make hite up to 1000 yards even without holding perfectly on the target. I would like to have a conversation about this. Do a search for...
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    overbore barrel

    Does anyone besides Mossberg make an auto with the large bore barrel? thanks.
  13. P

    LCP or P32

    About to buy a mouse gun for CC when I can't hide something bigger. I like the .32 round more than the .380 but am concerned about Kel-Tec reliability. I know they had some feeding problems, especially with HP's and wonder if that has been corrected on the newer models, and would you trust your...
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    JC Higgins 31

    Can anyone explain to me how to take the charging handle off a goofy J.C. Higgins Model 31?
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    .32 ballard

    Just bought a .32 Ballard at a garage sale. Is there any way to tell whether it is a 32-20 or a 32-40 without cerrosafeing the chamber?
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    Has Tamara fallen off the face of the earth. She was one of the most knowledgeable people on this whole forum and was moderator of curios at one time. I wish she would come back. Not a knock on our current mod. I just wish she would still participate.
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    colt Jr.

    Buddy of mine brought over a ziplock bag of parts that he wanted me to put back together. Turned out to be a rusty Colt Jr. I asked him what he planned on doing with it. He said I'm just goung to play with it. I said good, If you said you were going to use it for defense I wouldn't fix it. He...
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    H&R 158 toper

    Does anyone have some detailed instructions for disassembly/ reassembly for an old 158 Topper. Got mine detail stripped and can't get it back together. Thank you.
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    scary find

    sorry, I don't have a pic. i found a .40 cal slug that was pretty well compressed laying in my Grandmother's driveway in Jackson, MS. This was in NE Jackson(the good part of town) but is only a mile or so accross the highway from the bad part of town. I have no doubt that it would have...
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    B-80 trigger group

    I took the trigger group completely apart on my B-80 to send the trigger off to get re-plated. Now I can't figure out how to put it back together. I have found schematics of the B-80 online, but I really need a close up if someone can help. Oh, I was planning on sending the trigger to Mid-West...