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  1. M

    Confession about my lousy aim

    I shoot once a month and I'm only 20 but my aim sucks. It's rather lousy. Here's the thing...when i am out shooting say responsive targets like a tin can, I can blow that thing away with iron sights nooo problem. But once a target comes into's hard. I can never aim well with my 9mm...
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    So I do the nice thing, take my dad out shooting

    He did the not-so-nice thing and completely trump me in accuracy. :o :mad: Put my 870 + slugs, with a bead sight on a block of wood and a sand bag, and shot overlapping groups from about 25 yards, which I consider pretty damn good. Then he takes my 700 which i thought was not sighted in, and...
  3. M

    Remington 700...problems loading?

    It's me being stupid...but how the hell are you supposed to load more than 1 round? It's a hinged floorplate so when I load one on the top, then try and put another in they both pop up and get jammed. Real pain, and I'm just about to convert it to a detatchable magazine gun. Am I doing...
  4. M

    What's the best firearm deal out there for under 400?

    Rimfire, centerfire, bolt-action, pump-action, semi-auto, whatever, I am curious in that range what's considered an awsome deal? I'm buying a Ruger 10/22 and might make another purchase in the time being with that price range. Ideally I'm looking at: Double-action revolvers Bolt-action...
  5. M

    Ruger GP100 vs S&W 686

    I want to get one of these guns in 6" .357 mag. In Canada, the Ruger's pretty much 60% of the price of the 686. I hear the trigger on the Smith & Wesson is superior as is the material used, and erganomics. I can't "shoot them both for myself" because it's very hard to get people with these...
  6. M

    Anyone ever change your taste in guns?

    A couple of months ago I was looking into getting a Remington 700 SPS. I went in with my dad to check it out, saving up just about as much as i could afford for the rifle, i had a nice scope and was gonna put the rest on my visa and pay it off the following paycheck. I was keen on the...
  7. M

    My argument against external safeties

    So what i was taught when I acquired my licence...or even before, when I first put my fingers on an unloaded firearm, is to keep my finger off the trigger, until I have the gun in a position to discharge safely down range (or where I want the round to go) I see pistols with external safeties...
  8. M

    Safe storage

    One time I read, either on this forum or another, a guy who said, "Oh I found my Beretta under the ____, I've been looking for it!" :eek: Now I don't support gun control and i think safe storage could be used against you for legal reasons...but morally, we should all practice safe storage. A...
  9. M

    Can somebody explain crowns to me please?

    I tried googling it but i didn't have much luck. TO what I understand it's the inside piece to the end of a rifle barrel, correct? How "deep" does it go? How careful do I have to be to scratch it? How can I prevent it from getting damaged? Thanks!! I've heard you can "tell" where it is...
  10. M

    30-06 only for hunting?

    I was torn between a .308 and a 30-06; it was to be used for hunting and just general long-range shots @ the range or out in the woods. Anyway, I went with the 30-06 because I have heard it is more versatile. Now I hear peopel saying the 30-06 is not going to do much other than hunting and...
  11. M

    Anybody got an older person into guns?

    Ever since I got into guns, my dad's curiosity has been sparked and he is asking questions and wants to get his licence...I found this quite unique as most people get the gun bug from older relatives/parents or whatever...though he did teach me to shoot with pellet guns, it never went into...
  12. M

    If you could choose one cartridge for hunting?

    7mm-08, 30-06 or .308? I have been told the versatility of the 30-06 is amazing but the 7mm-08 recoils less is cheaper to shoot and can be more powerful? And of course the .308 is in the race too. :D
  13. M

    Bolt action vs lever, which would I be more happy with?

    I was thinking of getting a lever action Marlin, .44 magnum .444, 45-70, something like that. But in my mind i also want a bolt-action 700 Rem 30-06. Now I may take up hunting, it's not like I can just tag along once cause i dont know anybody who does it really, so i'd have to learn...
  14. M

    Funny story about a "gangsta with a gun"

    So I know this one girl who always brags about how her boyfriend is this thug, he "shoots people" or "results in violence because he is misundersood" Seems a popular trend around here is all the attractive girls get swooped up by guys who drive around in their parent's minivan bumping the...
  15. M

    Unusual pro gun celebrities?

    Talk show host maury povich seems pretty leftist, and only seems to do paternity tests these days. Though i recall him having two women on the show several years ago, elderly ladies in their 70s or 80s...basically the audience and Maury himself were laughing and delighted to hear the tale of...
  16. M

    Pistol rounds in a rifle? how do you feel?

    I am in the process of potentially buying a Marlin 1894 .44 magnum. I never really cared much for handgun ammo in rifles, as I figured it kind of defeats the purpose...but I hear the longer barrel gives the already powerful cartidge the extra kick it needs for stopping power when it comes to...
  17. M

    Defense weapon; rifle vs shotgun

    I was always told that a 12 gauge with 00 or 000 buck would be the best for a home invader or self defense purposes. However I have heard some skeptics, mostly those who do not know much about guns but still like to talk, say that a shotgun "is only effective for like, ten feet" :rolleyes...
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    Novice Q for bolt action people

    I'm t rying to understand the operations of a bolt action rifle. When you pull the bolt up and back, then forward and down it loads it correct? If there is a live round in the chamber IS there a way to eject it without firing it? Are they hard guns to take apart? When you put the bolt...
  19. M

    "All around" rifle...does such a thing exist?

    Hey all! I was talking to a few friends about getting into hunting. I have a 9 millimeter handgun and a 12 gauge shotgun, both which I love very much and would only part come extreme financial troubles and/or death. (well maybe i'll get barried with 'em? :D ) Aaaanyways, now I want to add a...
  20. M

    I'm watching bowling for columbine and

    :D This is really interesting Every time a gun is talked about being illegally used all throughout the movie, with a couple of exceptions, it's always a 9 millimeter. They even supposedly went to K-mart to "ban 9 millimeters" I wonder if K-mart banned 9s and kept the .45s and stuff. I...