Search results

  1. N

    Model 29 Strength

    Well, at least half of this could probably go in the handloading forum, but it seemed like it would be easier to just group it together. I'm pretty sure that I remeber hearing that the N-frame was on the small and weak side for .44 Mag. Is is strong enough that it can handle basically any...
  2. N

    Hogue Hardwood Grips

    What has your experiece with Hogue's wood grips been? I am considering getting a set for a Model 29 and possible a Python. The stock grips positively chew up my hand on the 29 from the checkering and the S&W emblem. I am not sure, but I am thinking about smooth grips with no finger grooves...
  3. N

    Harder Bullets

    So I finally got a chance to go out and shoot those .357 LSWCs (Hornady, 158 gr. over 6.1 gr unique. I am assuming around 1150-1200 fps). As many of you suggested, the leading was indeed memorable. The word smoothbore comes to mind, and only after about 4 or 5 cylinders. So, instead of...
  4. N

    OK, I give Up.

    What is the secret to cleaning? I have been scrubbing on a python for the past several hours trying to get it clean. I have tried every solvent and cleaning tool that I own (wipeout, sweets, hoppes, some outers stuff, mineral spirits, brake cleaner, dry patches, tons of brushing, etc.) several...
  5. N

    Off Center Ram

    Well, this is embarrasing to say the least. I have had my new press (An RCBS Rockchucker Supreme) for about a week, and Wednesday noticed that the ram is not lined up with the hole that the dies go in. If you are looking over the top of the press from where you would be sitting if you were...
  6. N

    10/22 price check

    What would be a decent price for the most basic 10/22? A local store has $15 or $20 or something off on all guns under 200, and I am assuming that it would be in there somewhere; I haven't had a chance to check. I was planning on getting one to convert to a Mach 2, and if they are at a decent...
  7. N

    Seating Depth

    Yet another stupid noob question brought to you by me... I am loading some 158 gr hornady semi-wadcutters over 4.5 gr unique in .357. With the cartridge length given in the manual (which I am assuming is max. length, and not min. length, correct?), there is enough empty space in the cartridge...
  8. N

    Freebore and some other stuff

    First off; I am new to metallic reloading, go easy. I am loading up some barnes 220 gr. solids for .300 Win. Mag., and I want to know if there will be enought freebore left if they are loaded to the max COL. I would assume that they wouldn't publish it if it weren't safe for everything, but I...
  9. N

    Federal one-piece plastic hulls

    I am looking for some 2 3/4" Fed. one-piece plastic hulls for reloading. Can anybody tell me which federal shells use this hull?
  10. N

    model 70 classic question

    Just got a model 70 classic. My question is, after loading the magazine, can I put another round on top and close the bolt? I mean, with the claw extractor, is it able to feed directly, or does the round have to come up from the magazine? I was kind of confused since you can supposedly...
  11. N

    Buying from Wal-Mart

    I have heard some people say that guns from large stores like wal-mart are of a lesser quality than the same model bought elsewhere. And I have heard arguments against that. I tend to believe that they would all be the same no matter who is selling them, as it seems that it would cost more in...
  12. N

    IL Registration?

    Someone told me today that I had to register part of my ar or the whole gun or something. I had never heard anything about this before and just assumed that they had been told something incorrect. Is this just some misinformation, or is it some law that I never heard about? Does anyone from...
  13. N

    Improper Technique?

    I put around 50 rounds through a 4" Model 29 last week. By the time I shot the last two cylinders, my thumb was kind of sore. I looked at it, and there was an area maybe 3/4" out from the web of my thumb (around 3/8 to 1/2 inch into the grip on the gun) about 1/4 to 3/8 inch around that had...
  14. N

    Beretta 92 finish problem

    I was cleaning my dad's 92, and when I got to the frame, I used some gun scrubber, starting from the front. When I wiped it down, it got all gummy, and eventually ended up like this, but I don't understand why. Is the finish on the frame some kind of paint that is eaten away by solvents? I...
  15. N

    Private Handgun Transfers

    As I understand it, Federal law states that it is legal for handguns to be sold to people under 21 through private sales, but not FFLs. My question is if this also holds true in Illinois. I looked around and it looked like I can own, transport, and hunt/target shoot with one, but I didn't see...
  16. N

    KT 1911 Frame

    Anyone ever use the KT 1911 80% frame? Was it any good? Is it stainless or just carbon steel? Cast, forged, billet? What has to be done to finish it, just cut the slide rails? What else is out there in the way of unfinished frames, and what is better?
  17. N

    Qs about BP Shooting

    Just want to know what is involved in metallic cartridge black powder shooting that makes it different than modern rifle shooting. It seems like it would be a lot of fun, but reading up on it, there is a lot that I don't know, and terms that I have never heard. Like grease cookie. Also, it...
  18. N

    Chambering a barrel

    How much do you think it would cost to have someone fit a a barrel to an action, as in chambering, threading, etc., basically from a rifled blank that has been contoured on the outside? I guess I am wondering how much a total gun assembly would be having barrel blank, action, trigger, and stock.
  19. N

    .50 Bmg Q

    Anyone know what the deal is with the .50 BMG in Illinois? I know they banned it in CA, but I was wondering what the schedule looks like for other states. I'm sure IL is going to be one of the next ones; we already have some really bad laws. Don't want to miss out on an opportunity to have...
  20. N

    Clips for a 92

    What would be the best clips that I could get for a Beretta 92. Would the Beretta brand ones be the best, or is there something better that I could get for a non extraordinarily high price? Since we can now buy the high capacity clips, I was thinking about getting my dad some decent ones for...