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  1. B

    Maximum powder pressure

    For research purposes, I'd like to know approximately how high a pressure one could achieve if one filled an arbitrarily strong container with the most energetic smokeless powder available (and assuming no heat is lost to the container). Any ideas? I know it's at least 65,000 psi, but I haven't...
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    Seeking pearls of caliber wisdom

    I'm writing a little piece to post on the door of my dorm, advising my neighbors on the choice of a caliber for a defensive handgun. The idea isn't to give them a definitive answer (which I don't believe is possible), but rather to let them know what they need to consider. So far I've come up...
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    5.56mm ammunition for an 8.5 inch barrel?

    I need some suggestions for 5.56mm ammunition that will reliably fragment at ranges up to 100 yards out of an 8.5 inch barrel with 1:7 twist. Any ideas?
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    Short-barrel rifles in 5.56mm

    I understand that very small rifles in 5.56mm such as the G36C, Galil MAR, MTAR-21, M4 Commando and so forth cannot produce the velocity necessary to cause standard military rounds to fragment. Since without fragmentation the 5.56mm round is essentially a deeply-penetrating .22, this would seem...
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    I thought this needed to be said.
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    Bullet cartridge knives

    I was looking through the FBI law enforcement publication archive and found something about a concealed knife in the shape of a 30-06 cartridge. Has anyone seen one of these or know who manufactures them? About a third of...
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    Law enforcement NFA weapon suppliers?

    When a police department wants to buy restricted weapons (i.e. fully automatic), who do they buy them from? I know they don't have to hunt for transferrable ones and pay exorbitant prices like civilians, but the only company I've been able to find that seems to supply them at normal prices is...
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    Help me win back my internet access.

    Background: I go to school at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, an admissions-based, tuition-free residential high school attached to the UNC system rather than any local districts. Here we are provided with internet access, but all traffic goes through a filter called...
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    I've decided on a double-stacked 1911 for my first pistol. I had thought that pretty much narrowed the selection down to Para, but recently I found that Entreprise makes quite similar weapons. For less money, as well. Does anyone here have any experience with them in comparison to the newer Para...
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    Which .50 BMG rifle is the most accurate?

    Title says all, really.
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    Cell phone guns: marketable?

    I've been reading about the cell phone guns found in drug raids in Europe. (If you haven't heard, they're essentially four-shot .22lr derringers in the shape of a cell phone.) Seems like a neat enough idea. From what I've read, none have shown up yet in the United States, so I figure that it's a...
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    Double triggers

    Various laws in the United States say that a fully automatic weapon is one that fires more than one shot with one pull of the trigger. Yet it occurs to me that double-barreled shotguns can fire two shots at the same time by pulling on two separate triggers simultaneously. Suppose you had a...
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    SPAS-15 imports

    I've read that only about 180 or 190 SPAS-15 shotguns were imported to the United States before the importation ceased to be legal. Does anyone here know what, specifically, it violated to be so affected? Is it still illegal to import one?