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  1. T

    Anyone in Houston wanna take me to the range?......

    Hopefully someone with an m-16? I could supply my own upper(Bushie M4 H-bar chrome 1/9) and ammo to save you some "barrel wear" :) Plus then I can also say I shot a full auto.... :( Come on full auto guys, share the :D I will start saving for ammo today.....Got a brand new...
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    Do any of you guys train with a mirror?

    I was practicing drawing and dry firing in the mirror today. I was wondering how many of you guys use a larger mirror(bady length or bigger) to train? When you look into the mirror you get a normal sized reflection to aim at.....the distance you end up with is double the distance to the...
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    Criminal use of ANY NFA weapons?!

    The weight of the evidence should show kindly in the light of truth :) ! Millions of registered suppressors, mg, sbr's, sbs's and aow's and not 1% is used in crime is my guess......How can the nfa registry be doing its job of keeping weapons out of criminals hands, if the evidence shows it only...
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    First Timer Needs Help! M4 Enough for Hog?

    Is my Bushmaster M4gery enough to take a small hog(less than 65lbs) without a headshot? What grain/type bullet to use for hog of this size? If not a head shot, where do you aim for? Would I lose too much velocity to take a 150-175yrd shot from my 14 1/2" barrel? The distances I usually see them...
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    What would happen if..........?

    A large percentage of the population(would require millions I know/5%) decided to make a stand and decided not to pay their taxes until something actually gets fixed to their satisfaction around here(legal reform, drug law reform, tax reform, health care reform, education reform, or add your...
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    How to Show the Solidarity of the US Gun Owners

    I was thinking that a show of power by the American gun owners would be just what the Nation needs after the death cries of the assaultweapons ban. Please help me to brain storm a way to show we are united.....Hunters, benchresters, machine gunners, sporting clay guys, and anyone with a love of...
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    What was Kalishnikov smoking.....?

    What was he on when he designed the magazine release on his rifle? With all of its reliability and ease of maintanence the magazine release is the one major flaw(and the sights of course)of the Kalish design. What are some of the reasons for it being so wierd/awkward? :confused:
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    How do we measure winning the war on drugs?.......

    Wait a better question how do you wage war on on inanimate object....who thinks it is time to call a stop to the farce of the war on drugs? I am not saying to simply allow all Americans access to now illegal drugs but the system has major flawed logic.....Cigerettes known to kill...
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    Why Americans Should Be Mad as He**

    As an American born and raised I am tired of the government doing what it wants and not what we tell them to......This thread is to get off your chest why you Love America and hate to see it going the way it is.....My major beef(as most who have read any of my posts know) are the gun rights of...
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    To those in the know, what is tannerite(sp)?

    I keep seeing this all over the board...I believe it to be either an explosive or an ingredient in an explosive.....What do you use it for? Is it expensive? How dangerous is it? If you have a site for me to look up even better :D ! ps can I just walk in to walliworld and buy it like a propane tank?
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    Detachable magazine shotguns with Hi cap magazines...Who makes them?

    Does anyone have a saiga or other type of shotgun that has Hi cap detachable box magazines? Not the revolving cylinder type either......If so who is the maker of the gun and the magazines? thanx in advance :)
  12. T

    How accurately do you shoot your rifle(AR owners)

    How accurately do you shoot without a supported position? No sand bags or anything else. Basically I mean either shooting from a kneeling position, prone, or standing. I have found that with my iron sights I can hit a soda can usually about 6/10 attempts(from a knee) but have just started...
  13. T

    What is the most controlable full auto caliber?

    I have the suspicion that bigger is not better in hand held smg and assault rifles. Am I correct? My guesses are 9mm, .223, 22lr, and if you had to choose a battle rifle caliber .308 would be the best calibers for auto fire. Anyone in the know please let me know: whicth caliber you believe to be...
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    Pepper, Pistol, or Both?!

    Pepper sprays and oc spray seem to have some followers in the forum. I would like to know how many of you carry oc or pepper spray and do you train to use it? Is it just one more thing to go wrong when the chips are down? Can you give me a scenario where pepper spray would be better than a gun...
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    Taurus PT-145 owners?

    I first saw this gun and just had to have it! I already had gotten my concealed carry license and a Glock 23 in .40sw, unfortunately being of small stature I could not really do a good job on the"conceal" part of the license :o . No biggey went out and got the Taurus in .45 auto and love it. It...
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    to all that own machineguns

    If the '86 ban on new registration was overturned would you mind taking a loss on your collection in order to be able to make and register new machineguns? I am almost sure I know the answer for most of u, prove me right. :) Yeah your mp5 goes down in value but you can now have a transferable...
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    Does defeating body armor change a subgun to an assault rifle?

    What do you guys think of the comparison of the new profile of the m4 compared to most current sub-guns. Is the m4(possibly the whole m-16 line of arms) just an overgrown, body armor piercing, sub-machinegun? Don't flame me out of existince but it really is. What about the p-90? Does the fact...
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    Your Best Home-Made Reactionary Target

    What are some of the targets that you use to," shoot and see" so to speak. I sometimes use soda cans filled with water. If you hit the bottom just right they take off like a rocket :D . But you have to be careful to have enough open area, witch luckily I do. I just had an idea about using stale...
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    Help Take Down the '34 National Firearms Act

    Let's start with a simple premise.....A gun is a gun is a gun, period! With this premise in mind, can anyone out there tell me how shortening a barrel to less than 16" magically transforms a gun into something other than a gun. This is one of the many flaws in the logic of the 1934 National...
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    Where to draw the line?

    If you had the power to: ban(not even military could posses) ; restrict(military / law enforcement only); or permit(civillian with paperwork allowed) all weapons which weapons get placed into what category and why? Just curious to ask in such a diverse group of shooters. Think out of the box. :)