Search results

  1. H

    LCP - pocket carry on a bicycle.

    I normally wear a pair of cargo shorts & stick my LCP (original model LCP with no safety) in the Ruger pocket holster it came with, in one of the flap pockets when I ride. I carry it cocked - with one in the chamber. I'm starting to wonder if that might not be the wisest thing to do, since...
  2. H

    Who clocks their grip screws? & bonus ?

    I admit it - Mr. Superanal here, is a diehard screw clocker. That's a given. The real question - is the bonus - which is: 12 & 6 or 3 and 9?
  3. H

    Just because guns...what ya got? (what ya want?)

    #1 valid reason to buy a gun for me - is - just because. Even though I have some reason - such as a PPK is a "Bond gun", or a .36 Navy is what Hickock carried or even, an over-under 2 shot derringer is something I wanted since I saw them on the TV show, Yancy Derringer. I can't wait for this...
  4. H

    Time to sell? (the guns that is)

    Serious question here... I have some guns I just flat out don't shoot anymore - for any number of reasons. Current conditions make for some real uncertain months ahead. Most of our income is derived from single family rentals. More and more it appears that - landlords will be the odd man out...
  5. H

    Is it true ammunition is only being made for the .gov?

    In the now closed thread about CTD - it was mentioned that no ammo is being made now except for .gov contracts. The thread was closed before I could question that. Is it true or not?
  6. H

    Let's talk about 42 U.S. Code § 5207.Firearms policies

    Now that we are under a National Emergency & the National Guard has been called up in six states (as of Sunday 15th March). It's probably a good idea to know what's what - as far as federal (firearm) law is concerned. Here's the code: (a)Prohibition on confiscation of firearms No officer or...
  7. H

    Mayor of Champaign signs EO to ban selling guns and ammo during declared emergency

    Plenty of spin and double talk going on about this. I'm surprised it hasn't popped up here on TFL - it all went on over the last three days. Here is the link to the EO Mayor Deborah Feinen signed & apparently the city council approved...
  8. H

    Anyone have pictures of a reloading bench/cleaning bench/bench for working on guns?

    Anyone have pictures of a reloading bench/cleaning bench/bench for working on guns? I'm in the thinking about it stage of building one for the spare bedroom. I picked up some oak lumber - a couple hundred board feet - that I don't have any other plans for. I want something nice - like...
  9. H

    Are guns going out of favor with the younger crowd?

    Being young these days has to be a tough job. I don't know how kids these days get by. It costs a small fortune to do even simple things like going out on a date. In my youth, a $10 or $20 covered it - no problem. Now, that doesn't even cover the cost of gas it seems! Things like that don't...
  10. H

    TSA - illegal search? (and what about the firearms if any?)

    I just got back home from Phoenix. I did nottake a firearm. However... I did have a lap top in my checked duffle bag. I was told by the ticket agent I had to remove the battery. Inconvieninet but - I did unlock the padlock and sloly unpack all my dirty laundry & my laptop, remove the battery...
  11. H

    Walmart to end ammunition sales of handgun ammo Looks like Wally world is following K-Mart. No more handgun ammo after current stocks sell out. I wonder...
  12. H

    Thought on using a suppressed pistol for HD

    It makes perfect sense to me since it will save everyone's hearing should it ever be needed - - but - given the prejudice towards anything like that - would it have an impact in civil proceedings? The ignorant masses are so easily influenced by media hype I can see it being turned into a real...
  13. H

    Looks like Youtube jumped on the ban wagon

    "YouTube, a popular media site for firearms enthusiasts, this week quietly introduced tighter restrictions on videos involving weapons, becoming the latest battleground in the U.S. gun-control debate." From Bloomberg I don't know at this point how far the ban goes & whether or not a lot of the...
  14. H

    I'm thinking about leaving the revolver world...

    I took an honest assessment of every gun I own & had to admit - - I just don't shoot a revolver any more. In fact, I sold off two very pristine model 19's back in 2009 for a price that will make a lot of people cry ($~ $290 for each) Oh well - they went to good homes. Anyhow, I was on the line...
  15. H

    Ohio gun laws are - missing?

    I'm trying to find the Ohio Revised Code - online - so I can read the details of Ohio's gun laws. For some reason or another, the entire section is missing!?! Anyone have a clue as to why? Is it a temporary thing so they can be updated?
  16. H

    What guns were used in Las Vegas shooting?

    I'm only interested in what guns were used. Period. No what if's - no political comments - just what guns were used. I've listened to the videos & it sure sound like a full auto. Several of the news agencies have mentioned full auto. A few have mentioned "conversions". I would really like to...
  17. H

    Let's talk .380's

    A few years ago, I was all done with the .380 acp. Small sub-compact 9mm's had (IMHO) made he .380 outdated. Then along came the .25 acp sized "pocket" .380's...... They have proven to be excellent little machines! I picked up a Ruger LCP a few months ago & was in love w/it right off the bat...
  18. H

    UpLULA - should come standard w/a Shield :D

    Got my UpLULA in the USPS yesterday. FANTASTIC!!! Works like a champ. Amazon Marketplace had it for $23.95 with free shipping. I'm real tmpted to get another at that price so I have one for home and one for the range bag. I can't think of anything shooting related (other than a P&R Smith...
  19. H

    Is the Ruger LCP a ..25 acp "killer"?

    I hadn't paid much attention to the Ruger LCP - mainly because I felt little need or use for a .380. That all changed on Friday. I was looking at a S&W Shield and the dealer had three Ruger LCP's on the shelf. While I was mulling over the S&W, I asked to see one of the LCP's. He handed me the...
  20. H

    Do those magazine speed loaders work?

    I hate to admit it - - but - - my hand strength just ain't up to loading the S&W .45 acp Shield. Why that thing is so darned difficult to load is a real turn off. Anyhow, what's the scoop on the loaders? I see them from about $12 to $35. Are the cheaper ones worth it or do I have to spring...