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  1. T

    Goodbye for a while!

    Tonight is my last night as a civilian. Tomorrow I will wake up, pack my bag and head to MEPS in Minneapolis. From there I will be shipped out to Lackland Air Force Base for basic training. I worry a bit about what I got myself into but I'm confident this will be a good thing for me in the end...
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    Full Auto Accuracy

    I have another hobby besides guns and that's video games. I'm very interested in making my own and want to some good factual information on how accurate full auto fire is in a variety of guns from small smg's to big belt-fed light machine guns so I can model the guns realistically. I guess to...
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    Pre-15 Smith and Wesson in 38 Spec?

    I was perusing the cases of a local shop and found a nice looking 38 special sitting there. The label said it was a pre-15 38 special and was priced at $250. I have no idea what the pre-15 means and a google search turned up nothing. The revolver is in good condition, a little wear, but still...
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    MN Gun Owners Unite Against MN AWB!!!

    Evil Bill!!!!<- Oppose this! This bill appears to be in commitee right now and is the MOST insidious and strict assault weapons ban I've seen yet. For instance, rifles will be limited to a magazine capacity of no more than 6 rounds! Any centerfire rifle with any kind of magazine, fixed or...
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    Wow! It looks like an unbiased gun article!

    I found this on when I went to check my email. I thought at first it would be all about praising gun control but it seems to cover both sides of the issue. Yahoo News Article
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    Necked-down cartridges

    I've heard about a few different cartridges out there that are based on a larger case necked down to accept a smaller bullet. A couple examples are the .357 SIG (.357 bullet in .40 S&W case) and .32 NAA (.32 bullet in a .380 ACP case). My question is how are these necked down cases made? Are...
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    Rebluing Milsurp

    I picked up for myself a surplus Turkish Mauser today. It's in moderate condition. Fairly dirty and needs a good clean-up and the stock is banged up a bit. The big problem (if it is a problem) is that the barrel's bluing is completely gone (If it was blued in the first place. Hard to tell.) The...
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    Good First Centerfire Rifle

    I've been looking for an inexpensive c/f rifle and I've found that SKS's and Mosin Nagants are inexpensive. The inexpensive($150-250) SKS's I've seen are Yugo's and I was concerned about their quality. And the Nagant I've found, arsenal refinished, for $85-200. The Nagant, I'm concerned a bit...
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    Class 3 in Minnesota

    Are suppressors and full autos legal in MN? I think I remember reading that full autos were, but I'm not sure and haven't seen anything about suppressors. Any help is appreciated.
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    BB/Pellet Gun Experience

    For a long while (9 years or so) I've been shooting my bb/pellet pistols in my backyard and have not had the opportunity to fire a "real" pistol. I've been considering getting a handgun and have perused these forums looking for advice. So here are the areas I'm interested in: 1. Marksmanship -...
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    22 DA Revolvers

    I've been searching and searching for an inexpensive(~300) but decent DA .22 lr revolver. I've looked at Taurus Model 94's and found they all had a near impossible to cock hammer in SA and impossible to use in DA. This may be correctable with a little work, but also about half the reviews and...