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    Use of hollowpoint bullets in war after the Hague accords

    This post relates to an ongoing discussion about the use of hollow point pistol bullets after the signing of the Hague Accords of 1899 and 1907. These are the Conventions that banned the use of hollowpoint ammo in warfare. It has been pointed out before that the bans of certain weapons and...
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    Black Guns matter

    Black Guns matter is the name of a pro 2nd Amendment organization formed in 2016 by a man named Maj Toure. Buisness Insider magazine reported on this groups in an article and video July 15, 2020. Below is the video I encourage you to watch it...
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    What's the reason for squared off trigger guards?

    For generations all handguns that I can think of had and have rounded trigger guards. From single action revolvers, to double action to semis. Some time in the 1970's or so squared off trigger guards began to appear in European made pistols. At the time I was told it was due to the European...
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    Top 10 Handgun Calibers in the Sales

    The information here is pulled from a few sources that I'll paste links to below. It's based on ammo sales. I'm excluding the 22 l.r. from this list because it's extensive use in rifles and carbines skews the results. But it's high and popular. I also excluded the 17 HMR and 22 Magnum for the...
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    Concealed means concealed

    I was out for a walk the other day by some old salt ponds and marshes which have been developed some and have a couple of bridges that are for walking across, as distinct from driving across. It's become a popular place for walking, jogging, etc. A young man was there with his two children in...
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    Most popular handguns in the U.S. by Sales

    Well sorta, I just looked at pistols and left revolvers out. The picture is quite different if you look at wheelguns. Turns out there is no hard and fast info available from manufacturers so getting an accurate picture is not exactly possible. So pinning the exact figures down is not possible...
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    Russian roulette leads to death in Mo.

    A off-duty St. Louis police officer was shot and killed when a revolver was used in a game of Russian roulette in the apartment of another officer. Army veteran Katlyn Alix, age 24, who had 2 years with the St. Louis police was shot in the chest and died as a result of playing with guns with...
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    Any Decent Polymer Framed .22 Pistols?

    Maybe I'm not observant enough but are there any polymer framed semi-autos in .22 long rifle? I'm talking pistols comparable to the stock Rugers Mk1-4, the Browning Buckmark, S&W M41 or the new Liberty, the old High Standard or Colt's, etc. Meaning a gun that with a few tweaks can win a match...
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    Australian Gun Give Back Flops

    The Australian Minister of Justice announced the initial results of their gun amnesty give back that runs from July 1 through September 30. He called it a big success so far. Approximately 12,500 guns were turned in. The Amnesty means you can turn in a gun without fear of reprisal. If you are...
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    Pink Pistols in the news

    This piece is from the April 14th front page of the San Jose Mercury News. It's rare to have a decent article on shooters in the news and this article is one. The Pink Pistols is a mostly Gay group of shooters, (it's open to others who want to shoot as well) and was formed following the 1998...
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    Glock Officially Lodges Protest of the Army Choosing Sigs

    Glock has launched an official protest of the U.S. Army's choice of the Sig with the GAO. The protest will halt the forward momentum of the sale of the Sigs to teh Army until whatever issues Glock raises are resolved. Right now we don't know the details of...
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    Question on a G19 Gen 2

    Did Glock ever offer a Gen 2 G19 with a hard chromed slide as a factory option? If so was this indicated on the box or gun and how? Gen 2 or 4 in a G19? Which do you prefer and why? tipoc
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    When did Ruger start pinning the Blackhawk?

    When did Ruger start replacing the screws in the frame of the Blackhawk with pins? Have the pins held up? or have they been pushing out? I must have been sleeping when this occurred. tipoc
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    Evidence or studies on trigger control

    In another thread, closed now, a contributor made frequent reference to studies that have shown, or proven, that different trigger pulls (da, da/sa, single action, "safe action" as in the Glock, etc.) make no differences in the types of reported unintentional discharges which occur. In one case...
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    New Glock 43 causes furor in Germany

    Hitler and the new Glock 43 tipoc
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    Cincinnati Police Officer Shoots Himself

    Here is the video of a Cincinnati who unintentionally shot himself with what looks to be a S&W Shield. tipoc
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    A question on 1911 grip safeties

    When ever I have wanted to decock a 1911 one handed I have done it the traditional pull the hammer all the way to the rear just past the full cock position, until it engages the grip safety then you pull the trigger and lower the hammer either to the 1/2 cock safety position (or...
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    What kind of accuracy from the S&W Shield?

    I've been thinking of picking up a Shield and at some point likely will. But what kinda accuracy have folks been getting from this gun? In particular if you have a pic of a target that would be helpful...well a target with holes in it made by bullets you fired from a Shield...I know what a blank...
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    M9 and M11 U.S. Army publications 2008

    I thought folks here would have an interest in this Army publication, Combat Training With Pistols, M9 and M11. As there is currently another round going on of the annual discussion of what will replace the M9 this bulletin is of use. One thing of interest and often asked is what is NATO ball...
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    California: Man released in death of intruder

    A San Francisco resident 68 year old Amisi Sudi Kachepa, shot and killed a 26 year old man who broke into his apartment at 1:40 am on the morning of May 3. 26 year old Stephen Guillermo was working his way through college and working two jobs when he went out drinking last Friday night. When he...