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  1. E

    They Are Back!

    LRI is hanging out their shingle again. More details as I get them.
  2. E

    Jim Zumbo

    OK, let me just say that this is a serious proposal; now that Jim Zumbo is on everybody's fecal roster, I suggest that SWAT magazine hire him on as a writer. He could be featured every issue while learning about the various types of semi-auto rifles, plus self defense handguns and whatnot. He...
  3. E

    Waitaminnit! What the heck did these kids do?

    Police Ticket Cars In Lieu of Teens Liquor Fears at Md. Party Unfounded By Nancy Trejos and Daniel de Vise Washington Post Staff Writers Tuesday, June 7, 2005; B04 Anna Phelan and Emily Adams wanted to end their four years at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School with a memorable backyard...
  4. E

    They said it couldn't happen...

    but it did :D Police raid ‘wrong’ address By Peg Kenyon Staff writer Last week, local police officers initially raided the wrong ‘green’ house on the same street as opposed to the one targeted in their search warrant.
  5. E

    Confession of a new reader

    I just picked up my first ever issue of SWAT. The main reason that I have never read it before is because I thought that it was a journal for "wannabes". I'm not a cop, security person or any type of "operator" (that term still gives me visions of heavily-armed phone company employees :D ), and...
  6. E

    New to TFL

    I heard about this site at another firearms site (some of the LEO's were making derogatory remarks about it) so I felt I had to check this one out. Since I'm new here, I thought that I'd bring an interesting link with me. any thoughts on...