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  1. B

    Small World -- Hey, Art!

    As Steven Wright used to say "it's a small world..." "...but I wouldn't want to paint it." Had a trippy experience this A.M. as I browsed through an old (February, 1989 ) issue of "Combat Handguns." While perusing the letters to the editor, whose name should I see there but TFL's very own...
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    Garand: Setting Battlesight Zero at 25 yards

    I’ve got a “new” (1943 manufacture) Danish Garand that I need to zero. In the Corps, I zeroed my M16A2 at 36 yards for a 300 yard BZO. I’d like to do the same sort of thing for my M-1. I suspect the near-Zero would be pretty close to 25 yards for a 200 yard far-Zero. Question #1: Using M2 Ball...
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    I saw Black Hawk Down last night

    Excellent flick -- well worth the long wait in line This is now among my top three war movies of all time. Remarkably faithful to the book, though some characters are merged (e.g., the Stebbins --> Grimes change), and there's some fanciful dialogue inserted. But well-executed. The battle...
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    Help me pick a mil-spec 1911A1

    I’m planning on picking up a mil-spec 1911A1 (or reasonable facsimile thereof) and would like some advice from folks who know their 1911s. I’ve shot a match quality 1911 in the Corps, so I have some familiarity with the design. I was planning on buying a Sistema, because the price is right, but...
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    BoB-inspired trivia question

    The Band of Brothers thread got me thinking about paratroopers in WW II and what weapons I would have wanted to carry if I had jumped into Normandy. One of my Uncles was a WW II combat vet with the 82nd; if I went in with his stick, I’d have wanted a Thompson and a 1911A1, probably, given the...
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    H&R single action .22

    Anyone know about H&R single action .22s? I did a search and couldn't find anything.
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    We need a RKBA "IRA"

    This is a no sh*&'er. There I was... ...thinking about how to provide for the most important things in life for my family. I've already got IRAs started for me and Mrs B when we retire, and we've already got Education IRAs started for the kids, but what about some very important expenses that...
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    WARNING: How a 1911 can go F.A. or N.D. while loading it

    In an old thread - I mentioned the way I was taught to load the 1911 while on a shooting team in the USMC: "Trigger firmly pressed to the rear while the slide is drawn and released. Got to make sure you keep the...
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    Mall Ninja sighting: off-duty

    This is a no-s#$*er... I ran into the Mall Ninja conducting a tactical resupply at WalMart. Despite his tactical precautions to prevent being "made" (wearing mirrored sunglasses indoors) I was able to ID him based upon his mode of attire. He was in the full off-duty regalia - black BDU...
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    Bullet weight of 8mmx57 Ecuadorian?

    OK, someone help me out here. I've got a bunch of 8mm ammo that I ordered from Midway. They advertised it as "South American" 8mm Mauser ammo with a bullet weight of 170 grains. Of course, South America is a continent, not a country, so the description wasn't that helpful. On arrival, the ammo...
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    Kali: safe from deadly orange and green guns

    I'm so glad that the wise ones in Sacramento are protecting us from this deadly scourge: "Penal Code 12020.3. Any person who, for commercial purposes, purchases, sells, manufacturers, ships, transports, distributes, or receives a firearm, where the coloration of the entire exterior surface of...
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    Silencing the Lone Assassin

    Misleading title for a book that demonstrates that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in Dallas in 1963. I don't think I've read any other books on the topic and other than seeing that dopey movie JFK, I've never had much exposure to the various debates on this murder, but this book was interesting...
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    New politics channel to challenge CSPAN
  14. B

    Help w/ staining & finishing stock

    OK, I pulled a major bonehead blunder, confirming the reputation of Gyrenes being half-full in the brains department. Now I need some advice... I had a stock as smooth as the proverbial baby's tushy, all prepped to be stained, sealed and oil finished, and forgot to put the stain on before...
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    Gore announces plans if Supreme Court case lost!

    Breaking news: Al Gore has announced that in the event his appeal to the US Supreme Court is unsuccessful, the Gore team "still has extra-legal options open." "I will hold my breath until I turn blue unless I am given the Presidency of the United States."
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    USS Cole, or Beirut Embassy Part II?

    Check out the Washington Times article below. Looks like more US servicemen were sacrificed because of stupid rules of engagement. The skipper needs to be keelhauled for this BS. In case you don't remember, a barracks-full of Marines were blown up in Beirut when a truck full of explosives...
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    Naval Jelly for dark bore?

    Anyone know: can you use "naval jelly" rust remover to remove corrosion in a really nasty bore or would it eat the rifling, too? Obviously I'm not talking about a normal cleaning routine for a good rifle.
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    "War of the Rats"

    Anyone else read this book about the famous sniper duel in Stalingrad? Good book, but one thing is confusing to me: the German character in the book is a Colonel and is named "Thorvald," but the other accounts I've seen all say he was a Major named "Konings" or "Konig." What's the deal?
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    8-Bore not enough for Dog

    A story from the autobiography of the late, great Elmer Keith emphasizes the importance of using enough gun. Seems there was a little dog that kept sneaking in and stealing the eggs out of Elmer's henhouse. So he set up an ambush from his front porch with his 8-bore. The percussion cap fired...
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    S&W's new commemorative line of guns

    SMITH & WESSON ANNNOUNCES NEW COMMEMORATIVE HANDGUNS by David Roberson <> Special to TLE [The Libertarian Enterprise, L. Neil Smith Editor] SPRINGFIELD, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF MASSACHUSETTS -- Officials at Smith & Wesson, formerly the nation’s largest...