Search results

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    Hornady Reloading Bushings, in Fowlerville, MI

    Hornady Reloading Bushings, in Farmland, Indiana Sone number of years ago, I bought a Hornady 366 froma recently widowed lady. She was very nice and the deal also included almost enough spare parts to make a 2nd press. The deal included gobs powder bushings. Apparently the Old guy was...
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    M24s for sale as surplus

    Whaddya think? Does this sound legit?
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    Rifle Off Hand Position Hints/Help needed

    So, I am not a bad Off hand shooter, but I could do better. As i have been preparing for the CMP National RFS matchWhat is the proper technique relative to how hold the rife? I have been trying stand as relaxed a possible in a good nautral POA position, vs. pulling the rifle into my shoulder...
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    CMP GSM Clinic and Match, Eastern Indiana

    We are sponsoring a GSM Clinic and Match at Farmland Conservation Club. We are east of Muncie, Indiana. Date 10 APR 11 Website: Flyer Link: http://www.farmlandconservationclub....-11-Flyer1.pdf Rain or Shine. Overhead cover on the range. 100 yard SR-1...
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    World's Biggest Shooting Championship, ever..

    From the CMP Website We need the next one to be held in the US!
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    Indiana CPL- So easy!

    I can't believe how easy it was in my new home state. I applied at the county sheriff. I hadn't updated my DL and the seceratary accepted my word on my new address. The license flow chart is different if you already have a CPL. They accepted that I had a MI CPL without asking to see it...
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    IN or OH; Recommendations

    Okay, I turned down the job in IL. Too many sucky gun laws. Interviewing for a new one on the border and I have the choice of where to live. From a gun law, tax base viewpoint, which is better?
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    May be Moving to Il. Good Idea w/r/t Guns?

    I am considering a move to a new job in the suburbs of Chicago. I have heard this state refered to in similar terms as CA when it comes to guns laws, CCW etc. How bad is it? I plan to live as far out from the city as I can. The job is in Burr Ridge area on the SW side of Chicago.. How...
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    Don't Support Sports Authority stores

    I was looking for a spotting scope and saw that the Sports Authority has one I was interested in in their On Line Store. So I called a local store in Michigan and the clerk at the other end tells me "they" pulled all of the hunting gear from all the stores in Michigan. I asked why. She stated...
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    Max. Distance for Shot?

    Does anyone have a chart for the max distance for shot. Yes, I understand velocity has a hand in the results. Specifically looking for 9-7.5's at target velocities. Greg
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    Great Pro Gun Artilce on Fox-Online J. Lott,2933,301040,00.html A good article for our side!
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    ?? onFront sight mounting on a Swiss Mauser CAmp Perry is Coming!

    Ok Gents ( and Ladies!) I have a Swiss Mauser that is a great shooter but the front sight isn't staked down tightly. :confused: Model Information Carl Gustaf Stade Gevarsfaktori 1903 Sn 125427 Cal. 6.5 mm I drifted out the dove tailed sight blade with the hopes that there would be a screw...
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    Improper use of CW by A Licensed Carrier

    MI has a shall issue law. I hope she is convicted and receives the max. Bang, Bang — Take That for Tailgating HARRISON TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) — A woman who told authorities she was fed up with tailgaters pulled out a gun and shot at the tires of a pickup that got too close, police said...
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    Over 100 Women: New shooters

    This past weekend(24 JUN) we had our annual Women On Target at Howell Gun Club ( Howell , MI). Over 100 women received an introduction to the shooting sports. The schedule included .22 rifles (busting paint balls at 50 yards), .22 pistol, centerfire handguns, muzzle loader, trap and skeet. I...
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    AMERC .45 Brass

    I found some of this brand in a bunch pick up brass and it never passed the go/nogo gage. The base of the shell is always fat. This is after I have run them thru my SDB. Any comments?
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    SR 80 Gold Cup Disassy Guide

    I am looking for detailed instructions on how to disassemble my Series 80 Gold Cup. I can get down to the basics but I need to pull everything out of the trigger mechinism. On line would be best but I'll take what ever I can get. thanks Greg
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    Help with a Remignton 540XR Trigger

    I recently acquired a REmington 540 and the tirgger was a mess. I managed to get it apart, cleaned up and put back to gether with no extra parts leftover. There are 3 trigger adjustment screws: Adjustment Stop Engagement Does any body have a recommendation for a starting point for for setting...
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    Lookking for help with a Rem 540 & Walther KKM

    I need owner's manuals for both of these rifles. Does anyone know how to dis-assemble a 540 trigger? thanks Greg
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    Why is it called a Bulls-eye?

    I tried to find this answer to no avail. Anybody know?
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    Camp Perry or Bust!

    Well, wish me luck! I am headed to Camp Perry for my first match. We are shooting both the Vintage and the M1 Garand Match. Should be a great time. The weather is supposed to 80 Degrees and clear. Chance of rain Fri early morn. Anybody got a advice or suggestions? Greg