Search results

  1. D

    Looking for a second .22lr after a long layoff

    I've been away from shooting for several years. Got busy with other things and got burned out on the gun thing for a while. A couple of months ago, I got the itch back and have been amazed with all of the new options out there -- especially in rimfires. I've had a lot of different guns but I've...
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    A couple of HD Shotgun options -- Input?

    To the Group - I'm pretty experienced with handguns but I'm very new to shotguns -- zero experience besides what I've read online. My wife and I live on several acres surrounded by other similar properties. Lately, there have been some reports of folks breaking into cars and such nearby. I...
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    Two New REvolvers

    Brought home not one, but TWO new Smiths today. Well, not brand new but new to me. 686+: After agonizing over which .357 to buy (or whether to buy one at all), I decided to make the safe choice. Everyone says that "you can't go wrong with a 686" and after spending some time with this one, I can...
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    A new term for the forum: GAS

    All - I thought I'd share a concept from a different forum I frequent (dedicated to bass guitarists) that certainly applies here. GAS: or "Gun Aquisition Syndrome." Simply put, GAS is the irrational desire to get more and more guns for no good reason other than "Hey - it was there!" The...
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    Commander Recoil: Severe?

    I am looking for a nice 1911 and I have always liked the Commander size. I've shot my share of 1911's but never a Commander in .45 ACP. From those who have, I'd like your feedback about the recoil? I've seen a few for sale by people who consider the recoil to be "too much" but you never get a...
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    Compensators - What exactly and why?

    I have seen a number of pistols with compensators installed. I get the general idea that they reduce muzzle flip but why would someone who is not a competitive shooter want one?
  7. D

    Your Handgun Collection: Many Brands or a few?

    I have gotten back into shooting and have been rebuilding my collection after a long layoff. As I have aquired more guns, I am at that point where I have to decide to stay within a brand "family" or pick the ones I like, regardless of maker. I'm curious about how others approach this. Do you...
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    New Toy! (CZ PRON)

    New CZ75! I've been looking for a full-sized range gun with a touch of class for a while. I'd been hearing wonderful things about CZ's for years and finally decided to take a closer look. I was very pleased with what I found -- tonight we spend some time reading, cleaning, and studying --...
  9. D

    1911: Do I go with a 9MM or the Standard (.45 ACP)?

    I have a dilemma and I need some feedback from the sage experts here at TFL ... I've been shooting for about 3 years now. Although I don't carry, I enjoy going to the range a great deal. I also think I may be blessed with "the shooting gene" ... I'm a far better shot than I expected to be. (My...
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    Cute as a box of kittens ...

    I may buy this little gun just for the heck of it! AMERICAN ARMS PK22 -- 22LR
  11. D

    The coolest Gun Safe I have ever seen!

    I was looking back through some of my old PM's and ran across an exchange with forum member, "datasmith" about his gun safe. While he has pictures posted in an old thread, I thought I'd post it again for folks to see ... This is the absolutely coolest gun safe I have ever seen! :D
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    Trying out my new digital camera -- feedback?

    DHart is my role model ... am I in the ballpark?
  13. D

    The S&W M&P made me change my thinking -- gotta have one.

    A while back, I made a decision to get a "fine" gun … something classy. I got all kinds of suggestions and did some looking at various places. I found some nice ones -- a BHP, a 9MM 1911 and they were all very nice guns. I was really resistant to the notion of a polymer pistol because, while...
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    Looking for a "Fine" gun ....

    I've been shooting for a few years now -- got my start right here on TFL. I have owned a number of guns -- sold some when money got tight, kept the ones that I was able to afford or that I liked. Now, I am in a position to treat myself and I'm going to do it "First Class." This is my deal: *...
  15. D

    Stoeger Cougar for $339????

    I mentioned this in another post but I think it deserves its own thread. Today I ran across a 9 MM Stoeger Cougar NIB for $339!!! I haven't been in the market lately so this gun hadn't been on my radar screen. I have however, done a quick search on TFL and the feedback seems to be generally...
  16. D

    Springfield XD with Extended Magazine ...

    I went gun browsing today for a nice 9MM. I don't carry but I enjoy spending time at the range. I was really looking for a S&W M&P but they were out of stock. They had a nice Stoeger Cougar for $339 that really caught my eye but they also had something else. They had a Springfield XD in what I...
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    Just Showing Off!

    To the Group - In the spirit of total, crass "Guy-Ness," I decided to design a website to show off my gun collection. The site is totally non-commercial and it's called, "Big Boys Toys." Click this link to take a look. I'd love to know what you guys think!
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    Anyone Seen this new Bersa?

    To the Group - Stopped by the brand-new Gander Mountain today and saw (among other things -- they have a great selection!) a Bersa that I'd never seen before. The Bersa Thunder, 9MM Hi-Capacity This not a Firestorm, nor is it the Bersa 9MM compact -- this is a full-size gun -- with 17+1...
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    Baby Eagle or Storm?

    To the Group - In the interest of rounding out my collection (see my siggy), I have been looking at purchasing a polymer gun in 9MM. I've tried the Glocks, Sigmas, Rugers, Walthers, and all the rest and have pretty much settled on the Baby Eagle Semi-compact (short barrel/FS grip.) I love the...
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    Somebody PLEASE stop me!!!!

    This is madness!!! I stopped by Gander Mountain today (my first mistake) -- not to buy anything, mind you, just to "see what I could see" (Yeah right - that's two lies for the price of one.) The salesman chatted me up and then showed me a LNIB Baby Eagle 9MM (with only about 100 rounds through...