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  1. F

    What is "fires from open/closed bolt" and firing out of battery?

    Two pretty general questions which I never got a clear understanding of. What does it mean if a gun fires from the open or closed bolt position? And when it fires out of battery? Thanks.
  2. F

    What is the really long sniper scope I saw?

    Sorry I can't find the original link, but I saw a picture someone posted of either secret service or CIA agents pulling guard on a rooftop. With them was what appeared to be a Rem 700 with a very long scope, it extended to a quarter, maybe even half the length of the barrel. I've never seen a...
  3. F

    Multiple rifle carrying case?

    Is there a case that can carry 2 or 3 rifles and a few pistols in one unit?
  4. F

    How often do actions need cleaning?

    What frequency should I take my Mossy 500 apart and clean the innerds?
  5. F

    Nice firearms posters!

    Anyone seen these before? I'd like to see a few/all of those on my wall but that might take a chunk of my wallet!
  6. F

    First handgun: Start cheap or expensive?

    I've narrowed my choices for my first handgun. Do you guys think I should start with something that's on the cheaper side (Bersa, Springfield XD, Walther P99) or just put down the money for a pricier gun that will likely last forever (Beretta, Sig)?
  7. F

    Handgun caliber rifles?

    What are some rifles with calibers you generally see in handguns (other than .22)? The only one that comes to mind is the Hi Point 9mm carbine.
  8. F

    Is it worth saving up for an M1A/M14?

    Please keep in mind I am a student so income is low and I have many other costs. These rifles go for $1500 here before tax and fees. Here is my thinking: Why I shouldn't: 1) For $1500, you can get two or more very good handguns/rifles. 2) That is a lot of money for ONE rifle! 3) I'd feel guilty...
  9. F

    Adjusting scope?

    I have a cheap scope and therefore cheap (useless) instructions. What is the standard on adjusting scopes for windage and elevation? There are two adjusting screws, each with obscure markings on them. What is the effect of turning the top screw and the side screw CW and CCW?
  10. F

    What is an "Assault pistol"?

    I was wondering what differentiates a "regular" pistol versus an "assault" pistol. For example, what makes the tec-9 so special? It's just a semiautomatic pistol like any other 9mm right? Please correct me if I'm wrong :cool:
  11. F

    Scope resighting question

    I got a really cheap scope for my .22 rifle. I sighted it in for 50 yards. When I shoot it at 100 yards, it shoots significantly low. Is this normal or is the scope just cheap junk?
  12. F

    Handguns that can take abuse?

    I hear over and over again how AK47 for example can be literally dragged through the mud and never cleaned yet it will go boom every time. Are there any handguns with that sort of attitude?
  13. F

    Talk me out of a Mosin M91/30!

    I was originally planning on getting an m44 but decided to save my money after hearing weird accuracy stories concerning the bayonet and just how odd it looks. Well guess what I see in the paper today? m91/30 on sale for $79. I want to get it but I don't!! Someone tell me it's inaccurate. Or...
  14. F

    DIY Target stands?

    Does anyone have any pictures/drawings of target stands they built? I'm planning on throwing one together from PVC pipe. Just checking if there's anything anyone has out there that will make my life a little easier :p
  15. F

    Marine nominated for Medal of Honor

    At first I was just google'ing to find an answer to the old movie/cartoon scene of subduing a grenade blast with a kevlar helmet. Not only did I find an answer, but something more than that. There's been many posts on TFL about heroic soldiers, but here's one more to add to the many...
  16. F

    Stupid mistake: rusty SKS

    A few weeks ago I took my rifles and shotgun out to a covered outdoor range. It was pouring and the cover apparently did not cover the area where the guns actually go. No big deal, just give it a good cleaning. Got home and took apart each gun, let them dry, coated with oil, and reassembled. Got...
  17. F

    Basic questions: What is HP?

    hollowpoint right? it just hit me right now...
  18. F

    Any Mr. Smith goes to Washington politicians?

    Are there any politicians out there past or present who genuinely did their job as a representative and for politics? It's always great to hear 10 year olds say they want to get into politics to make the world a better place :rolleyes: good luck to that
  19. F

    Good place for Mossberg barrels?

    Where do you guys recommend to buy Moss 500 barrels? I'm looking for a short tactical barrel. Thanks.
  20. F

    Stevens Rifles

    Does anyone have or have shot Stevens rifles? How is the accuracy and reliability? I know they're made by Savage, but there is a quite a price difference (talking about the .223 short action specifically). Thanks!