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  1. D

    USMC Rules For Gunfighting

    This is great! USMC Rules for Gunfighting 1. Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns. 2. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive. 3. Only hits count. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow...
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    Defensive Load for Springfield XD40

    I have no prior experience with .40 S&W. I bought a NIB Springfield XD40 last week as a birthday present for myself. Since the hardball ammo available was 180 grain, I bought the Hornady 180 grain XTPs for carry ammo, hoping point of aim/point of impact will be similar. Any thoughts on 180...
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    You folks keep talking me into keeping Old Reliable!

    Periodically i check into TFL to see who is enjoying what new handgun... and I read about all these problems with all these new fangled guns... and I remember all the trading I used to do... until I bought and stayed with my M1911 Colts!! Thanks for the Sanity Check! My M1911s are big and...
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    Is this 9mm really as good as my .45?

    OK, after cycling through 20 handguns in 5 years I settled on the Colt CCO with Federal 230 grain Hydrashoks as my carry gun. This has been my primary CCW piece for 3 years and I remain unconvinced there is a better combination. However... Lots of people are confident that, with the right...
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    Why do you say NO! to the 30-06?

    This post explores the reasons why the 30-06 is not your first choice of a hunting rifle for big game or general purpose shooting. It asks you to share with us the specific reasons why you choose another caliber/bullet combination for your shooting and hunting needs. If you ain't givin' us...
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    For all you who hate Colts...

    Last week I picked up a new 45 ACP Colt "Government Model" -- really an M1991 but with the new roll marks. The gun is SWEET! Beautiful gun and I was VERY impressed with the fit of the barrel -- no slop. Took it to the range tonight. Class act. Flawless functioning with 50 rounds of Speer...
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    Peep Sights and 30-30s

    I like hunting deer with a nicely scoped bolt action rifle. But where I hunt -- you find the deer at close range -- in the thickets, maybe a 50 yard shot max given all the brush and cover. So... Finally broke down and bought a Williams FP receiver sight for my Marlin 336CS. Had to crank the...
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    Source for 45 Colt 260 grain Keith Lead SWC

    Multiple sources tell me that the 260 grain Keith lead SWC at 900-1000 fps is an awesome all around load for the 45 Colt. I have a new Vaquero Bisley that I want to develop some handloads for, but I am not into molding my own lead bullets... Anyone know where I can buy the bullets already...
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    Best reduced load (30-06) for deer

    What do you folks recommend in this caliber for a reduced load "roll your own" deer dropper? Where I hunt, 200 yards is a LOOOOOONG shot. Thanks.
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    Bagged a Black Bear!!

    With my full size Ford van. Poor critter. A female black bear intercepted my van traveling 63mph on I66. State Trooper allowed me to take possession of the carcass. The bear meat is in the freezer, and the hide is waiting the taxidermist. My wife is threatening to sell my tree stand, bow...
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    Vaquero vs Blackhawk... Which handles hotter loads?

    Is the Vaquero as strong at the Blackhawk when it comes to dealing with hot 45 Colt loads? I want to purchase either a 4 5/8 inch stainless Bisley Vaquero, KRBNV44, or the 4 5/8 inch Blackhawk, KBN44... If one is better at handling hotter loads it might weight my decision one way or the other...
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    After Market Sporter Stock for M38 Swede

    Can anyone tell me where on the web I might find a source for a drop-in stock for an M38 Swede? I want to sporterize this dadgum thing. The original military stock is too fat for my tastes. Thanks!
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    Single Action revolver or semi-auto?

    Another silly poll but I couldn't resist... If you were reduced to just one handgun, would it be a single action revolver or a semi-auto pistol? Defend your choice and name your caliber.
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    Recommendations please for a single action

    I have never owned a single action revolver. Have had a yearning for one for a LOOOONG time. Trouble is, I'm not sure which direction to go... Ruger or something else? Vaquero or blackhawk or redhawk? SAA clone? Stainless or blue? Bisley grips? Adjustable sights? About the only thing I...
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    Please talk me out of this 30-06!!!

    I have a perfectly good hunting bow, a perfectly good Marlin 30-30, a perfectly good 6.5x55 Swede, and a perfectly good 7x57 Mauser. I have reloading dies to keep my mind occupied... All I really hunt is white tailed deer... Ain't seen a coyote or a bear in the Virginia woods yet... Ain't...
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    Now that new "short magnums" are "in", will "old ones" come back?

    Everyone is all hot and lathered over the 300 WSM. Wildcatters will soon be necking it up and down. Have already heard about a 7mm in the works. Question is, will the oldies, like the 350 Remington Magnum, make a comeback? Whaddaya think? I have a buddy who has been looking for a Remington...
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    Charles Newton's 256 Newton 3000fps recipe... anyone know it?

    Read an interesting article recently about the velocity race at the beginning of the 20th century. The 250-3000 Savage pushing an 87 grain bullet hit the magical 3000 fps. Then Charles Newton bested it with a 256 Newton (6.5mm) load that pushed 3100 fps with a bullet that weighed somewhere...
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    Strength of 6.5x55 action M96 vs M38

    I have an M38 Swede carbine manufactured in 1942. Would it be a safe bet that this action is stronger than the older M96 rifles, and could accommodate slightly stronger handloads?? I don't want to blow myself up, but I would like to push the velocity of a 140 grain Speer hotcor handload to...
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    25-06 Lovers... where are you?

    Does anyone get excited about this caliber? What conditions do you hunt in? What game do you use it for? What game/hunting conditions do you consider it to be inadequate for? Thanks!! :)
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    Remington Model 700 ADL Synthetic

    .308 or .243 Winchester for an all-around rifle for use in the fields and woods of Virginia? Thanks.