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  1. T

    Sounding Off

    This is being written largely because of the apathetic response to the latest crime by the Bush administration, that being overriding posse comitatus and the institution of martial law by the President, as well as the commandeering of a state's national guard to the same end. But it's also just...
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    Who owns your source for news?

    I was trolling around the web, and stumbled across this list. This may not be "news" to many of you, but I thought it was interesting. I knew some of this, but not all. It would seem the notion of a "liberal media" is unfounded. What say you? I'm thinking the owners of any company would...
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    In a pickle?

    For those of you that are less than thrilled with the current administration for one reason or another, how do you plan to vote next time around? What do you see as viable options? Do you feel that selecting a republican to represent your district/country will allow the status quo to be...
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    Shipping "assault weapons" to CA

    Does anyone know a source for laws pertaining to shipping "assault weapons" to Kalifornia? I have a buyer for my PTR 91, but it is in Ca. I'm being told if the pistol grip is removed, everything is okay. This doesn't sound right. Any help is appreciated. I have to update this post. I just...
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    Ttn 1897 Sg

    Anyone here know anything about these Chinese imports? I did a search and came up empty. I caught a whiff here and there around the web--all the comments seem positive about fit and finish. I have no use for another shotgun, but my brother does. If I talk him into this one, then I get to...
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    Fact or Fiction, or... You Make the Call

    I was hoping you guys could clear a couple of things up for me. The first is an article I read by, let's call him a gun expert, who mentioned storing a rifle overnight, before a trip to the range--muzzle down. What is this about? If there is some benefit, can it be had over such a short...
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    Feinstein and Georgie Pushing Militia Law

    Most of you are already aware of the comments bush has made of late regarding his willingness to implement militia rule. This latest is a quote from Di Feinstein on the Senate floor, setting the wheels in motion for exactly that. She has seized the response to Katrina as the excuse for...
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    Arts and Entertainment Network Investigative Reports on Gun Rights

    Anyone catch this one? I'm sure it's a re-run, but I thought I'd ask. It focused a lot on the NRA and its political struggles. I think Bill Curtis tries to be even-handed when discussing controversial issues, but I also beleive his true feelings did bleed through the piece a little. For...
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    Hunting loads vs. personal defense

    I'm trying to understand the distinction between loads created for hunting vs. those tabbed as personal defense. If a given loading is sufficient to take down a large animal, how does it become ineffective for two-legged predators? For example, a heavy flat-nose with a healthy charge behind it...
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    Sightron Red Dots

    I came across these in a catalog, and was wondering, is it too soon to get some feedback on these, in particular the S33-4R? I like the versatility of the different reticles, but have a few questions. 1. Reliability: I don't expect Aimpoint-like ruggedness, but was wondering how they would...
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    Sight adjustment 0-50 yds.

    I am a newbie when it comes to shotguns for hunting purposes, and was wondering if a database exists to demonstrate how much drop a given load will have from 0-50 yds. Better yet, is there a "rule of thumb" that can be applied? TIA.
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    Any HK91/CETME/PTR Owners here?

    I am thinking of scoping mine, and I am curious about the Hensoldt 4x scope. First of all, is there anywhere you can find one for less than 500 including mount? More importantly, does anyone here own one who can comment on clarity, sight picture, consistency, etc? Finally, are there...
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    Gun Identification

    Anyone see the movie "Silent Trigger" with Dolph Lundgren and some hottie named Gina Bellman? She had this revolver, they said it was a .357 in the movie. I couldn't figure out what it was. It look like a semi from the front. Is this just a "hollywood" mock-up, or does this thing exist...
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    The MP36

    This may be old news to many of you, but it was completley new to me. I just read this story: and found it to be really interesting. Enjoy.
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    Make way for the AK?

    I have been thinking about this one for a few days. I don't presently own one of these, and I think I am okay with it. Abstinence can be a good thing now and then. ;) I am curious though, those of you who own them, is there anything the AK will do that an AR or G3 will not? I am not...
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    HK SL8? Why, or why not??

    A long time ago, I had the option of getting an HK SL8. I had some hopes and dreams of making this the "ultimate all-around do it all rifle." I saw this pic, and it inspired me. I had visions of a counter-sniper, MBR, that could also be a fine target and plinking rifle. Even a hunting rifle...
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    Do you support the war in Iraq?

    I have given a lot of thought to this lately, and was really interested how many members here, knowing what we all know now (i.e. No WMDs, No links to terrorism), would support the bombing,invasion and occupation of Iraq. If this has been done to death, I apologize. I don't get over to this...
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    CZ 97B Range Report

    Hello again. I have taken this one to the range a few times, but never did any sort of review so here goes. This is a large pistol. That makes it easier when you are trying to put holes in paper. It points naturally, and is well balanced. The trigger to me is very light. It is still new...
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    Range Report: 44 Spl. Bulldog

    First of all, this is an older CA Bulldog, not Charco, or Charter 2000. I don't know anything about those other than what I have read. This one is solidly built and tight. I brought 2 kinds of ammo: 200 gr. cci gold dots and some grizzly 260 gr. wnfps. first thing i noticed is that...
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    Wobbly Grips

    Is this a common problem for revolvers? I have one with walnut grips. The screw is as tight as it ever could be, and is not loosening. Yet, when I pick it up, there is this little bit of wobble. It's not horrible. It's kind of a picky thing, I guess, but it bugs me. I am thinking there must...