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  1. C

    Liberal spin on Texas school fundraiser,62378dec-21db-4afa-8f76-d68b6de855d6,919edacc-e319-4e0e-9e3c-fe95ad9901c1&m=News&mi=NBC%20News after the advertisement (sorry, im not too good at posting links) This little video clip (i hope it works) killed me when I...
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    Question for all the LEOs....

    I have been thinking latley (which generally gets me in trouble) and I have been wondering how all you LEOs got into the law enforcement field. Would you make the same choice to join if you had it to do all over again? What is your favorite part of the job? Thanks.
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    Ultimate Kerry Ad I recieved this in my email a couple days ago.
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    Help with a Falcon .22

    I was wondering if you could tell me alittle about a falcon .22 that my father gave to me. I know nothing about this gun, except that it was his at one point, and I think he had it for a long time. It is a Falcon??, 8 shot .22 revolver. It says falcon in gold on the wooden grips. On one...
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    Went shooting this weekend with my P-01....

    I took a trip to a friends place this weekend with my CZ P-01. This was the first time that any of the people I went shooting with have ever handled my P-01. And they loved it. I passed it around, let every one shoot a mag thru. They couldnt stop talking about how comfortable it was and how...
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    CZ P-01 Mags....

    My P-01 came with 2 mags with, for lack of a better term, plastic bottoms on them. I have seen pictures of P-01's that look like they have full metal magazines, hi cap possibly. Does anyone know where I can get one, or two? Or am I mistaken. Thanks...
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    Difference between Sub-Machinegun and a Machine gun

    Alot of you might think this is a silly question, But I was wondering if someone could fill me in on the difference between a sub-machine gun, and a machine gun. I havnt had any exposure to these types of gun. If I had to guess, Sub being a prefix for small or below, I would say that a sub...
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    243 ammo...

    Went whitetail hunting the other day, and shot a doe. (its ok, Breeders permit season in Tx starts 1st weekend in Oct.) I hit her in the "recomended" spot, right behind the shoulder blades. I was using ordinary 243 core lokt (spelling?) ammo. the deer ran about 20 yards before falling down...
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    Shoot to Kill, or shoot to wound?

    Simple Question... Shoot to Kill, or shoot to wound? I hope this isnt too stupid of a question. I have been pondering this question ever since my CHL class. Is there a correct answer? What if I were in this position, would I shoot to Kill, or Shoot to wound? I would like everyones insight...
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    Teresa Heinz, Giving Texas Back to Mexico?

    I am not sure about this, But, Ive heard rumers about Teresa Heinz, wife to John Kerry, Gave a large sum to an organization that wants the US to give Texas back to Mexico. It sounds far fetched to me, but you never know. Maybe she doesnt realize that Texas was its own country before we were...
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    Thinking of a Kel-Tec...

    Ive been thinking about saving up for the possibility of getting a Kel-Tec. Mostly for a warm weather gun. Just the right size for a pocket pistol. Im thinking that I dont want to always wear my P-01, if im wearing shorts, or what not. Anyone have any comments on their Kel-Tec?
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    Tx Ccl....

    Anyone from TX... How long did it take you after you sent in your information to get your license? They say they will contact you after 60 days if they have a probelm with fingerprints or what-not. And it could take up to 180 days if there is a problem with paperwork or prints. Just...
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    Anyone ever heard of a Falcon .22?

    My first pistol was a .22 revolver. wood grips, 8 shot. Has anyone ever heard of a Falcon? Im not sure if this was the Brand name, or the model? If anyone knows what im talking about, let me know! Thanks, CZmatt :confused:
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    Ammo Question...

    Went into the gun shop today looking for ammo to carry. I was wondering what kind I should get. My buddies tell me that HydroShock is about the best carry ammo. Are they right? Im goign to start carrying a Cz P-01 9mm that just picked up the other day. Its an awesome gun, with no problems...
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    CCW Holster for CZ P-01

    Everyone, I have just purchased a CZ P-01 that I am very proud of. I was wondering what kind of holsters you use to carry concealed? Let me know, any information would be great! By the way, i'm a newbie here... :D