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    Zero Tolerance (more of the same old crap)

    May 13, 2002 Zero tolerance takes toll on pupils By Valerie Richardson THE WASHINGTON TIMES CENTENNIAL, Colo. — When Nepata Godec received a call from Dry Creek Elementary School last month telling her that her son and his friends were being sent home from school, she prepared herself...
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    If you want to see a group who are a little touched

    Go check these people out, they definately have bats in their belfrey. it you get in to post be polite, and don't disagree, from what I can tell they don't like people who disagree and will pull your access so fast it will make you head spin. however if...
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    Kansas City to Lose all gun shows

    It seems that the Kansas City school district is going to purchase the Kansas City Market Center where the shows are held. As.. “get this” investment property..what? for several Million dollars. They are proposing to operate the place under the following rules 1. No Beer sales (good by Hot...
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    Breaking News "underpunched ballots found"

    some of the democrat counties in FL have found ballots that were not punched all the way through so now they are going to recount the ballots by hand. So now the the elliction officials are going to punch the ballots themselves. The recount will continue until they get the desired result or...
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    Talon to stop Demilling 30-06 and 308 ammo

    Just got an e-mail that Talon was going to stop Manufacturing 30-06 and 308 ammo. Has any one else heard this? I was wondering if it because they have demilled all the condemed stores or if the government has decided to stop selling it out?
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    Columbine I Like it, I Love it, Want more of it

    I guess I can look foward to this being in the news every April 20th until I die. Its enough to make me barf. Does any one really want to keep reliving it?
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    Jake Robel Dragging death Perp up for first degree!

    It was announced in the news last night that the grand jury has raised the charges on the perpetrator to First Degree Murder and the prosecutors are asking for the death penalty.
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    Clinton Says NRAs 3.2 million members dont matter.

    Yea Right he forgot 1994 didn't he. Bill says.. "You know, they basically win through intimidation," Clinton went on. "People are scared of them." But while the organization may have over 3 million members, "there's more people than that in America."...
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    Who here wouldn't have shot this sunufabitch?! pt2

    For all you people out there who want to place some or all the blame on the mother... I cant tell you what I really feel about that comment as Rich would probably boot me from the form. While it might not have been the smart thing to do it is not illegal either. I know the area where this...
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    Really Up set today/ Question for LEOs

    Boy 6 draged to death Question How do you get a creep like this to Jail alive? it must take a lot of control? Personally I am amazed that the perp was alive when the cops got there. This happend in my area and...
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    The People who govern us

    Can you imagine working at the following Company? It has a little over 500 employees with the following statistics: *29 have been accused of spousal abuse *7 have been arrested for fraud *19 have been accused of writing bad checks *117 have bankrupted at least two businesses *3 have been...
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    If riding a bike in FL Don't forget your helmet

    I am not even going to rant about the cop who has had problems in the past, treatment of this boy, who knows. But A law mandating the wearing helmets for bike riders...under 16 get real! Next they will be arresting and putting 3yr olds in jail cause they didn't have a rollbar and seatbelt on...
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    Slugging a rifle bore

    Ok anyone got any comments?? which is the better measure the one at the muzzle or an inch up from the chamber?
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    A question for the LEO types

    I live in a rural unincorporated area and lately we have had a bunch of High schoolers driving around at night shooting at people and things with paint guns (guess it beats taking out mail boxes). Here is the question if they shoot at me and I shoot back with something a little more substantial...
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    Rust prevention in the safe

    Besides desiccant and oiling does anyone have any other rust inhibiting ideas?
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    NRA controls congress???

    Read this here is the link,4678,0-100066,00.html 'Gun lobby practically controls congress' Top Democrats rail at inaction on law after new office shootings Gun violence in the US: special report Martin Kettle in Washington...
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    To stay PC here is a list of words to avoid using

    The Echelon attack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet activists last week tried to overwhelm National Security Agency eavesdroppers by flooding the Echelon spy system with fabricated messages about terrorist plots and bombs. The idea...
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    7.62X54R is it 308 or 311??? the world wonders

    I have been examining some 7.62x54r ammunition and have found examples of commercially loaded cases that range from .308 for the Russian military surplus ball to .311 for the commercially loaded 180 soft points from the Russia and CZ. (some of the Silver tip sniper is actually .307) What is the...