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  1. E

    Sorry about the inconvenience....

    I know there are quite a few of us who post both here and at TAC Lately we have gone through many changes, including hardware, internet feed and board upgrades, seems after each attempt to speed it up we slowed it down and speed it up...
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    Damn I got Hacked!

    For those of you who are familiar with The Armed Citizen, We just got hacked waiting to hear the extent of the damage, For those of you who are regular visitors, I apologize and will have TAC back up as soon as possible......... Well Had to get my cherry broken sometime I guess :rolleyes:
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    Have You seen TAC Lately?

    The Armed Citizen or TAC as you have come to know it has undergone some major changes and switched to a faster system/Server with MAJOR bandwidth no slowing us down now. For those of you who visited but received a CGI error your at the wrong site. For current members do not forget to update...
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    Keep and Bear Arms Got Hacked!

    From: "Angel Shamaya" <Director@KEEPANDBEARARMS.COM> To: Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 4:32 PM Subject: KABA GOT HACKED Got Professionally Hacked Today Got Professionally Hacked Today Got Professionally Hacked Today May 10, 2001...
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    What do Tupperware and the VPC have in Common?

    You know what I find amazing? That Tupperware would allow it's name to be used in conjunction with gun control( ) and VPC's radical views. Given that my wife buys an awful lot of tupperware, and with gunowner dollars I might add, Tupperware may find it...
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    We are being sued by HCI! Need to get the word out!

    Pro gunners, Pro RKBA'ers If ever there was a time that you were needed it is NOW! Last year on December 11th 1999 I launced the Anti-HCI site at This site has been dedicated to dispelling the Anti gun rhetoric that too often is touted as truth We at the Anti HCI site...
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    Awesome New Site!

    First let me say that I do not want to detract from what this site means to all here. This site has proven to be many things to many people and Many have found a home here. I would venture to say that this site has influenced many, from Pro to Anti. It is in that Vein that I am am happy to...
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    Want to piss off VPC?

    Well it dawned on me today that we have yet another situation where an Anti Gun site is using a well known firearm as a poster child to further it's cause. The VPC, which was recently hacked has this picture currently posted on it's site: It is obvious that it is an H&K mark 23 pistol...
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    It's Official! HCI is PISSED at me! And My Site!

    As I took a walk on the wild side and looked at what HCI Rhetoric I would need to counter today I found this Disclaimer: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> "This site is in no way related to or Those sites are created...
  10. E

    Anybody interested in................

    Developing a tried and true pet loads database for reloading? I have a database set up in MS Access, 97 or 2000. I would like to e-mail it out and have each person add their favorite reloads then send it back, I will import all of the data and turn it into a large data base and send it out to...
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    Repeal the Second amendment, Thats what one reporter calls for!

    I could not believe the amount of ignorance shown by this writer at the Miami Herald, he even left an e-mail address at the bottom of article, sounds as though he wants and needs to be educated.....Here is the article: Max J...
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    A 17 Year old Student Needs your assistance...

    I received this e-mail from a 17 year old young lady who needs some pro gun help. She needs a video with a pro-gun perspective Against Gun control she needs it quick. Here is a chance to show one of Americas youth what kind of community we really are, and she will be sharing that info with...
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    S&W Reinterprets Their Sellout..Ah landmark gun deal

    Talk about backstroking, don't anyone believe it until you see a full apology, and a full retraction! Looks like a bunch of primping and posing to appease everyone, they made thier bed and now they don't want to lie in it. Damn that has to sting... two links...
  14. E

    First Colt abandons ship, Ruger stumbles, S&W sell it's soul and now Glock...

    My next question is how long can Beretta hold out?? My favorite Handgun manufacturer (4x's over now) has itself pretty firmly implanted but how long can they last, no man or Company is an island unto itself. So here is an idea, let us consolidate a list of non conciliatory gun manufacturers...
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    HCI wants to invite you to a dinner with Rosie!

    No kidding they have a section on their webpage called upcoming events, that event is a Dinner with rosie o'donnel and they want to MAIL you the info, Gotta spend money to make money right? That is unless no one shows........Oops my e-mail is broke I guess they will have to send it too me Snail...
  16. E

    If Clinton has his way.........

    This will be us! The NFA obviously doesn't have the NRA's horsepower, if ever there was a reason to join, here is a glimpse of things to come! Need acrobat to read it, ------------------ ...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little...
  17. E

    My first piece of Hate mail....

    Well I guess that with every website that takes a stance either pro or con there will be those that feel it necessary to attack you personally. For those of you who want a chuckle check out my web page (My response was far to long to post here) and look under the news headers for "Hate Mail" Let...
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    What are the Benefits.......

    I have a few Beretta's mostly 92's and 96's and they are great shooters each one. I was told that changing the springs would make the weapon(s) shoot even smoother. I was on the Wolff Springs site today and now I am curious (keeping in mind that the factory recoil springs are 13 lbs ) what are...
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    A Great New Forum!

    I hope Rich doesn't mind me posting this but For those of you who are interested there is a great new forum starting up, Taking inputs on what forums you would like to see in a Shooters/hunters/reloaders chat site and would be most inclined to visit and post too. Keeping in line with the TFL's...
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    But Handgun Licensing is so resonable.....

    It's enough to make you ill...... STATEMENT OF SARAH BRADY RE: PRESIDENT CLINTON’S LICENSING INITIATIVE (Washington, D.C.) President Clinton’s proposal to establish a handgun licensing system is just common sense. Requiring photo ID and safety training for new gun owners is the logical...