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  1. T

    Need Advice: Shooting Old Ammunition

    hey all, my dad was cleaning out some of my grandfather's stuff and he came across an old Hills Brothers Coffee Can full of .45 ACP rounds (id say 250-300 Rounds) which he gave to me, as .45 is my primary round.... he thinks they are 30-40 years old.....perhaps....i dunno.....the can has been...
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    Selection is Meager in the Local Shops: What To Do?

    i went to 2 gun shops around town today....... man.....they didnt have anything!!! and by that i mean i have seen some novice collections that are larger!!! 1st shop - practically nothing at all! about 4 used pistols total.....not much of a new selection either....they are the local...
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    Man, The Shop Owner Isnt Making Things Any Easier! (Semi Auto Content-1911)

    today i go into the local range/shop and put 100 rounds through my H&K .45 USPc and i was pretty content......i like that little gun.....its tough as a mule and really thumps out those 230 grain loads after i get done shooting i start browsing around the gunshop i told the guy id like a nice...
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    I Guess We Know Where MTV Stands on The Election

    ok first...... im not one for watching MTV much(waste of time if you ask me).....but something came on last night that caught my eye...... it was a Drew Barrymore special where she was trying to get people to vote...... noble effort.....i really admire a young person and i think...
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    AWB Sunset: Safer or Not with an Twist....You Decide

    ok first.... im a diehard 2nd amendment guy and believe that people should buy whatever firearm they wanted......but im also in favor of keeping the guns away from little kids and whackos with the use of background checks, etc.... so that being said.... with the sunset of the AWB...... i...
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    Thompson Sub Guns: Need Some Answers

    i am a .45 guy..... love that round so much and i have always wanted a rifle or auto rifle that fired that round..... thus.....the Thompson..... so maybe someday soon ill procure me one..... questions...... i would like to get one and am aware of some of the reproductions available......but...
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    Criminals, Home Defense, and Lawsuits?

    what really gets me is that criminals (or the families of) have the right to sue you if you shoot them in your own home...... yeah......when they are trying to break in and do damage or worse..... there was a story a while back out here in california..... where this asian guy was protecting...
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    Home Defense, Nasty Ammo, & The Fear of The Perp Getting Your Hand Gun In A Struggle

    Hey all, this is my first post here as i have been reading threads here for a while....and thought i would join and offer my .02 this is a great forum with lots of info......awesome website IMHO well last night i started researching boutique ammo(stuff you probably wouldnt find at the...