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  1. P

    High Standard Crusader Combat .45 ACP

    I need some informations on High Standard Crusader Combat, .45 ACP how it shoot, price wise and where can I get a magazine for it? Any person know about this pistol please let me know.
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    Letter from ATF Special Tax Stamp!!

    I have received a letter from ATF today stated that "We are unable to issue a special tax stamp to you at this time. We expect to have this matter resolved shortly and the stamp issue in the near future. We are issuing a temporary receipt under the authority of 27 CFR$479.26" Then at the bottom...
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    I am not sure this is a tru story.

    Friends, I don’t know if this is true. If it isn’t, it ought to be. JUST VOTE. Quite a story here... Last Thursday I put out one of the political signs in my front yard. Between midnight and 3:00 a.m. someone stole it. On Friday night I put out sign No. 2. Since I didn't have...
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    Senator Hillary Clinton for Supreme Court

    I hear some of the Democrat in my city talking about they want John Kerry to win the election, because in the next four years it will be four positions on the US Supreme court judges open, J.K. can nominate her for that position if he get elect as the President. Very scarry!!
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    New AR Pre-banType Just for the LOOK or.... ?

    New pre-ban AR type rifle, are they just for cosmatic look or they made like the old day? Any expert opinions?
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    Are there any new Colt AR 15 Pre-Ban type?

    I see Bush master, Armalite, Olympic Arms and other company making AR 15 pre-ban type rifle, but I never Colt producing one yet. Any one have idea why?
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    Auto Sear

    I have a person want to sell me an auto sear to convert M-14 semi-auto to full auto. I asked that person is this thing has been register? He said he did not know because it was in his father posession for many years he got it when his father pass away. How can I find out it has been register...
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    M 14 Poly Tech from China.

    :) I just bought a M-14 made in China import by Poly Technology, Inc in caliber .308 Win. It have a box and look like a M-1 Garand. Any one know anything about this rifle please let me know how it shoot, I know it will not good as Springfield but I still want to know how accurate and hold up.
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    Want Pictures 90 Rounds Ar 15/16 Snail Drum

    Any one have the pictures of 90 rounds snail drum magazine please post the pictures on this thread.
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    Yugo SKS Grenade Launcher

    I disassemby an un-issued Yugo SKS to clean out all the cosmoline, after I think I want to take the granade launcher out a part (I may have to cut it off) after look and think about try to avoid cut it off, I have an idea how to modify the front grad. Launcher to be use as muzzle brake by drill...
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    How long for ATF say OK on FA?

    I just turn in it the F 4 form to ATF to get approve for two of my Uzi and one FN FAL. I used to have a high security crearance "Q" when I was working for DOE contractor, owning a small gun shop holding a FFL class I license. Any one know : what the average waiting time for ATF to get approve?
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    What is the reasons to own FA?

    I got a transfer form F 4 today and look at one question is asking me to give the reason why I want to own a machinegun, I did know what the best answer ar so I wrote it done as "personal collection". Is it good enougt? Any one done this before, please give me some sugestions I will be...
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    Need Help to Transfering Machine Gun.

    I went to one of the estate auction bough 3 machine guns today from the auctioneer, They told me I have to go to get a form form FBI to transfering these guns, I did not know what the proceedures are . Anyone have some idiea and what does it take to transfer these machine guns? Please let me...
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    Need infor for CZ 75 Black Paint

    I just bought a used CZ 75 Black Paint with 2-15 rounds magazin, it look very nice, I cannot identify what year was made, CAL. 9 PARA stamped on the receiver the other side have some proof mark with number 86, round trigger guard, fixed sight serial # 1352XX in excellent condition for $250.00...
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    Rifle for Antelope

    I drew an antalope this year this will be fun to hunt for the big game. I like to hunt antalope more than deer be bause I will see the games (antalope) and try to sneak ose to bag them. I did know which rifle caliber I will take to shoot at 300 yards plus, .22-250, .270 W.M.,.300 Win Mag or...
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    .50 BMG Banded in Golden State

    I heard .50 BMG is going to be baned in California if the Terminator Governoe sign it. Is it true? How the Terminator going to handle this situation?
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    .204 Ruger

    Where can I find a reasonable price ammo? Any one know who made it beside Hornady?
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    CZ USA and ADT for CZ TT45

    I just got a CZ TT45, it is very nice looking .45 ACP, I need extra magazine so I did call CZ USA, they told me they are not carrying this pistol, I have to contact ADC who import this pistol. Are these gun made from the same facory as other CZ? :confused: