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  1. K

    Indoor Range Session

    Yesterday moring I spent some quality time at a local indoor range. "Dougs Shooting Sports" on Redwood Road here in Salt Lake City. This was just an informal shoot, and I only brought with me 2 guns - my beloved HK, and my wee little Walther PPK/S. After some extended range time I came across...
  2. K

    Washington DC = Little Shop of Horrors

    If you've never seen "Little Shop of Horrors", it is a satirical musical comedy about a shop keeper who gets a space plant and takes care of it. It grows on special food - blood. Soon the plant growes so big it becomes an unstoppable monster... The pathetic begging "Feed Me" soon become a...
  3. K

    And now for something completely different This site uses flash animation, so you may need a plug in.... It it worth it. The above link is just a part of the site - is the whole site. I recomend this site highly. If any of your are into "webmation" or cartoons or what not...
  4. K


    HK. BULLPUP. 12 GAUGE. D@mn... (Skorzeny, you going to correct that too?) I think I have found a shotgun I want more than a PanCor Jackhammer... ------------------ Every man Dies. Not Every Man Truely Lives... FREEDOM! RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE
  5. K


    Heard on the news last night that the FBI has suspended PUBLIC TOURS of the HQ building in DC. Fear of Terrorist Threats? They suspected that as the reason. So basicaly all they have doen is put another wedge between the US vs THEM... Distancing the Public from Big Brother. Or maybe the...
  6. K

    Sick of MOOSE

    Yup. Moose. I was camping near Flamming Gorge this weekend... And was driving my old Jeep Commando, when a freaking MOOSE stepped out of the wood work and ruined my old beloved. I kept it at the inlaws for when we went to visit for quick escapes to the mountains. Cherokee is dead too - But the...
  7. K

    JFK jr Missing

    JFK JR and others in a small plane - Missing. Not to sound cold, but why couldn't this have been Air Force One? ------------------ Every man Dies. Not Every Man Truely Lives... FREEDOM! RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE
  8. K


    Rich. I been a member here for some time. I am in the interent business - so I know the money involved. TFL asks for no money from it's members. TFL has no advertisers. Keeping a web page running is spendy. Keeping a big site like TFL is very spendy. HOW THE HELL DO YOU DO IT? I am told you...
  9. K


    You guys have to read this... Most of you guys I am sure are familiar with: If your not... Go visit and read some of the stuff there... It is basicaly hummor in a News Page style... I enjoy it... ------------------...
  10. K

    SICK of the 4TH

    Yes, it is time again for another Kodiac's Rant. The 4Th of July... I am sick of it. Before you flame me - Let me rant... This is a Celebration of out Independance! Our becoming a FREE NATION under GOD. We are FAR from FREE... the Bill of Rights is nothing more than a DOOR MAT for the...
  11. K

    Hey Rob

    Where is Rob? Haven't heard from that PITA in awhile... ------------------ RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE [This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited June 26, 1999).]
  12. K


    I am wanting to get one... Are these little single poppers still around or are they serious collector items now demanding big bucks for the $1.25 gun? ------------------ RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE
  13. K


    I use computers ALL day - 5 days a week. 98% of my computer time (as if you guys couldnt tell) is on the Web. I have had 2 choices. 1. Internet Explorer. Bill Gates LAME but Nesessary browser that you just plain have to live with. Good for many things, suck at others. 2. Netscape Navigator...
  14. K

    Western States TFL Round Up

    Some of us have been mulling over the idea of hav'n one... I decided I wanted some more input. Lets have a show of hands, give you opinion 1. Yes or No? 2. Where? I say YES, and I vote for Vegas... When you not shooting or gabbing about guns - there are some killer buffets going on... Also I...
  15. K

    Hey, I have an idea

    Let's just BAN criminals! ------------------ RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE
  16. K


    Why are all the gun magazines INSISTING that anyone who is anyone has a light attached to every long arm they own! I have seen tac lights on SINGLE SHOTS. This is stupid. This is too much. This is out of control. Just because you have a sholder fired weapon, doesnt mean you have to put a spot...
  17. K


    I dont know where to put this, but it makes for fun browesing... These guy have a lot of cool toys, all kinds of stuff for all kinds of guns... And the have a nifty little camp rifle they call the Pac-gun. ------------------ RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE
  18. K

    40 SUPER

    Any thing new about .40 SUPER? I was thinking about the .45 Super in a USP, and was wondering about the .40... Is there .40 Super available? Or has this just been talk? I am wanting the absolute HOTTEST .40 loads for my HK USP. (Not Handloads, I dont want to blow up my HK)...
  19. K


    Anyone consider using a spray molycoat to coat the bolt carrier of an AR-15? I have been thinking this may be a good idea. Any thoughts on the matter? ------------------ RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE
  20. K

    Gigand Spectrum

    I had ordered a few knives, one of which is from Gigand. The Gigand Spectrum. This is a very nifty little knife! The Spectrum series comes in several different colors - mine is blue. The Knife is retailed between 30 and 40 dollars. This knife is VERY well made. If this knife was from...