Search results

  1. D

    Minimum search term length

    Is it possible to adjust the minimum search term length from 3 letters to 2? I'm considering buying a new handgun and logged on today to do a little research. Unfortunately I wanted to research S&W model 66's, Cz's and Kimbers (especially type II Kimbers), because each of these had a term less...
  2. D

    An Honorable Mention of TFL

    I've just come back from lunch where I was reading the Monday edition of the Seattle P-I. It's common for the P-I to give URL's to websites that feature relative information for articles. Anyway, under one article today 4 URL's were given. HCI, NRA, VPC, and our own TFL. bkm...
  3. D

    Sidesaddle Haters Anonymous

    Am I the only person in the world who hates sidesaddles? I’ve had an on-again-off-again relationship with the sidesaddle. When we’re on again, it’s on the shotgun; when we’re off, it’s off. As of yesterday, it’s off; permanently this time. In theory I love the idea. I love having 6...
  4. D

    Rosie Cartoon

    I've been away for a couple of weeks and apologize if this has already been discussed. ------------------ Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice... [This message has been edited by Dorcas (edited May 22, 2000).]
  5. D

    Bushmaster AK muzzle brake

    Howdy all I'm very close to buying a Bushmaster shorty AK, and I'm wondering how loud the muzzle brake is as opposed to a crowned barrel? Thanks for the help. Bkm... ------------------ Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
  6. D

    Kimber/Colt Nomenclature??

    Hello all, I’m considering buying either a Kimber compact or Ultra Carry for use as my main carry gun. I currently carry a full sized Kimber and am having a couple concealment problems. First, the slide is just a little too long. When seated the muzzle rests against my chair, which causes a...
  7. D

    Parents and Guns (my mom found out), part 2

    Unfortunately, this is something I can identify with. I've owned firearms for about 5 years (I'm 27) and have still not told my parents for the same reasons the original poster stated. I don't think my parents would react quite as severely, but I am still not looking forward to that day. bkm...