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  1. H

    What Does Incorporation Mean to You?

    Which best describes your view of incorporation?
  2. H

    Immunities and Privileges and Concealed Carry

    Would it be constitutional for a State like Vermont to pass a law which says that Citizens of Vermont can carry concealed weapons without a permit, but others must obtain a permit? Would they be failing to give citizens of other states the same immunities and privileges? Or is CCW an...
  3. H

    Meaning of Second Amendment's Term "Free State"

    I've been reading about how Parker's lawyer Bob Levy, and Eugene Volokh, are construing the Second Amendment's term "free State" to regard the whole US as being a free State. Volokh has an article on the subject at . I sent him this response: "I...
  4. H

    Sanity Check: Was Virginia's "2nd Amendment" re: Individual or Collective Defense?

    Is the following declaration from Virginia's 1776 Bill of Rights regarding individual self-defense or collective self-defense?
  5. H

    Can an Unarmed People be a Free People?

    I have come to understand that the word "rights" can refer to principles of free government. For instance, we might say that free government requires separate branches of government, and so that would be a "right". And we see this in the 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights, Section Five, which...
  6. H

    Intended Form of Government?

    I am new here and think that, to get a feel for this forum, I will ask: How would you describe our intended form of government in the US?