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  1. B

    1911 question

    Hey all! Looking for the 1911 experts among us. Does anyone here know of an officers size 1911 that uses a unramped barrel like the full size Kimber "II" series?? I have noticed that my unramped full size is stupid reliable, eating whatever I feed it. My ramped 1911 only likes a certain...
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    Federal Punch ammo?

    Mods, if this is in the wrong spot please move it. Also, if this has been talked about already, please link me to it. Federal Punch ammo. Has anyone used it?? Thoughts?? I used to be strictly a Hornady Critical Defense or Critical Duty user, but it has been stovepiping non stop, and...
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    Hungarian FN High Powers

    Hello all. Was at the LGS/parts shop and after I picked out what I wanted, I thought I would burn some time and look at stuff I couldn’t afford, the Lugers, etc. I came across a dozen or so FN High Power pistols, but the tags specifically all said, and the roll marks all corroborated that...
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    Officially published, and a future shooter joins the world!!!

    Hey all, If any of my fellow forum members get the monthly publication "American Gunsmith", then you will see my first ever article published in the latest issue. Titled "Custom Action Wrench". I am pretty stoked! Wrote that as the first of three articles submitted to the magazine on a whim...
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    What is the deal with the re-hashing of older designs??

    To be clear, this is NOT a complaint or gripe. Merely noticing that with the release of the SA-35 by Springfield Armory, and myriad other companies offering their new version of it, that bringing the old into the current age seems to be a thing now. I just read that SIG is releasing an...
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    A sort of "rebirth" of the venerable Walther WA-2000??

    Fellow Forum members! I was on an impromptu visit to my favorite local gun shop/surplus store and came across a 55-gallon plastic barrel filled with Mauser 98 barreled actions, just missing bolts. I never cared much about matching numbers on pet projects, so I picked the best looking one and...
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    Crush washers?

    To TFL's resident smiths.... or anyone who may have a spare or two they don't mind parting with. Need a 5/8" ID disc spring washer to time a muzzle brake on a rifle. Internet searches not yielding much fruit. Only ones I can find are 1.25" OD, and the ones I am looking for have the .813" OD...
  8. B

    Good 327 Fed wheel gun for the wife??

    Taking suggestions and recommendations for a good revolver in 327 Federal for the wife. I am between something Ruger (LCR/Gp100/SP101) Or Smith (if they offer one still) Or Charter Arms Professional What say ye?
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    C&R license questions, for the ATF-savvy.

    Hey all, If this is something I need to just reach out to the ATF about myself, just say so. I have a C&R license, and I am totally aware of what it does allow me to do and does not allow me to do…… Mostly. I don’t plan on making money, as that is not allowed for an 03. But if I bought a...
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    The Belgian Mauser is closer than ever!

    Howdy all, The barrel for my custom Mauser build arrived yesterday. Pretty excited over having it fitted and finishing this build!! Still need to do some stock work and glass bed it. Also need to think about what I am going to do for a muzzle device. Has 5/8”-24 threads on the end of the...
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    Carbon6 barrels... Anyone order one??

    To start, I completely understand that with the old news sham-demic and the revitalized efforts to crush personal freedoms again, ANYTHING gun related is going to be a hot commodity for the near distant future.... But has anyone here ordered a custom Carbon6 barrel for a build?? How long did...
  12. B

    Pre-64 vs Post 64 difference? Or a place to get a cz action??

    New to the forum, but have been a visitor multiple times finding needed information. If there is already a thread about this (willing to bet that there is) please direct me to it. Just finished up two custom rifle builds (hobby level, will discuss in another thread). Looking to do a...