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  1. X

    Form vs. Function

    Why? Can anyone answer that simple question??? Also, does anyone have pics of a 1911 with similar grips installed? I Love Gooooooold... Still more Goooooooooold... Even more Goooooooooold...
  2. X

    Covert Carrier IWB troubles.

    The Covert Carrier is a little clip type system that they claim is the best consealment device on the market. Has anyone else tried it? Mine is making me uncomfortable because it only seems to conseal well at the 1:00 position, which puts my weapon in very close proximity to my gun, If you...
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    You know what this place needs?

    We have a great group of people who read this forum. Its too bad there isn't an area for off-topic chat. I've seen too many really entertaining or educational threads shut down because they were 'not firearms related.' With a new section of off topic threads, they could be moved rather than...
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    so...there are no cooks in the armed forces?

    I'm a salesman, I talk to a lot of people in the course of a day and almost always ask what they do for a living. Today alone I've met three people who claim to be in the armed forces. #1 was mid 20's, slight build, wearing a visor upside down and backwards. He had on a basketball jersey and...
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    Springfield USGI 1911 problem.

    I feel really silly posting this topic. Does anyone else have a problem with the spent brass bouncing off their forehead? Anything I can do to fix this? Its getting powerful annoying.
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    Movie Weapon Physics.

    The more movies I watch, the more I realize that the film industry has no idea what they're doing. This is a short list of some of the 'movie weapon physics' I've noticed lately. Feel free to add. Car doors, when open, are 100% impervious to all manner of gunfire. However, when closed, a...
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    Brought one back.

    The other day I invited an old High School friend to go shooting with me. The invitation was sparked by an argument that happened in the local coffee shop. He could not understand why I would want to own even one AK-47, much less five. We went back and forth about it for almost an hour and...
  8. X

    Price check on isle 9...

    I've been looking for a new CCW gun, found a used H&K USP .40 with the H&K tactical light in great condition. No wear on the finish, doesn't look like more than a couple hundred rounds were fired through it. Dealer has it marked at $600. Does that sound like a solid deal? Also, is this...