Search results

  1. W

    Is The High Road Down?

    Does anybody know what's up with I can't get in this morning.
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    J. Stevens Single-Shot .410

    Can anyone provide any information concerning a junior-sized single-shot .410 shotgun produced by J. Stevens Arms Company? It is early enought that it has no serial number. One side of the receiver is labeled: J. Stevens Arms Company Chicopee Falls, Mass U.S.A. ------Made in U.S.A.------...
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    Good Lord - Now Shooters.Com is shutting down!!!

    E-mail just received from Walt Kuleck, the webmaster at What is going on here? Is the global anti-gun conspiracy finally taking action or what???
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    Dies for Reloading 30-06

    I'm going to be setting up to reload 30-06 to feed my new Danish Garand. I have never reloaded rifle cartridges, so I am looking for some advice. I have a Dillon 550B. I would be really interested to hear what dies other TFL'ers are using for 30-06 in this press. I KNOW this can be an...
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    Garand - Loose Front Hand Guard With a Peculiar(?) Cause... (Long)

    I received my Danish Garand with the VAR barrel (Springfield receiver, February, 1944 manufacture) about a month ago. Family and business factors conspired to prevent me from doing more than a field strip and stock cleaning until this last weekend. I noticed almost right away that the front...
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    Took An NRA/USA Shooting/CMP Smallbore Rifle Coach School

    last weekend. I'm helping out with my club's Junior program, and my son is showing strong interest and significant talent for International-style 3-position shooting. I was wondering, as I drove home from the class, how many others on this board are involved in a Junior programs on some level...
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    Ruger MKII Target .22 Reassembly Problem - NOT the Usual One...

    So, I was detail stripping my Ruger MKII Target .22 to give it a thorough cleaning. I had removed the grip panels, the mainspring housing and the slide, and thought I would remove the barrel/receiver from the frame to give the trigger assembly a thorough cleaning. As I tapped the...
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    WSJ Covers Cowboy Action...

    without a slant -
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    Tasco Optics Out of Business?

    Can anyone confirm or deny that Tasco is going out of business? Posts on have been discussing this for the past week, and EABCO has a Tasco Out of Business Sale going on. I can't find anything about this anywhere else. I e-mailed Tasco Customer Service, but have...
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    Tulsa Wanenmacher Arms Show

    April 6th - 7th. Who's going to be there?
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    Range & CCW Holster Suggestions for 4" Security Six

    Hey, everyone! I'm tired of carrying my 4" stainless Security Six around in a box or a bag whenever I take it to the range, and I have been thinking about occasionally using it for carry. What holsters are you other Security Six owners using for either belt or IWB CCW carry? I'm hoping to...
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    Barrel Hood Springing - SA Champion Bull Barrel

    I have a loaded SS SA Champion that I have been very happy with - very reliable (after an extractor change), excellent trigger (for a stock trigger - no trigger job) and probably as accurate as I am. So why am I posting? This is only my second 1911, and I have been reading and learning...
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    Craig, LTD Proton X-1 - Anybody Know This Gun? is giving one as their sweepstakes prize this month. It looks like an interesting piece - Does anyone have any hands-on experience with one of these? Inquiring Minds Want to Know! Tony
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    Demonizing Christians

    Looks like those wacky Democrats are at it again... From The Washington Times, 01/02/2002: The rest of the story can be found here:
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    "Intrinsic Accuracy" of a Cartridge

    I've seen this phrase used several times in reference to the .32, .40 (IIRC) and others, both pistol and rifle, and it has set me to wondering (never a good thing...): What actually influences the "intrinsic accuracy" of a cartridge? How is this measured? Scientifically, objectively, or from...
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    Barf Alert! Clinton calls terror a U.S. debt to past

    Get out the airsick bags! Billy speaks! I am speechless...
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    Public Relations Debacle After Sen. Hillary Jeered And Booed By Heroes

    Check out the story: - Looks like folks in NYC are finally being made awary of Billary's true colors. I LOVE it!!! :D :D :D
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    Who's Going to the Tulsa Gun Show?

    Big, Big Gun Show in Tulsa this weekend - the semi-annual Wanenmacher's show, advertised to be the biggest gun show in the world. I'll be there Saturday, wearing a Firing Line t-shirt and wandering around looking confused, as usual. Anyone else going to be there?
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    CNN wants your opinion

    Listening to CNN while catching up on my browsing. At about 6:30 AM CDT 9/25/2001, the talking head said the CNN wants our opinions on arming airline pilots. Give it to them in e-mail form at
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    IDPA Observations (No, this shouldn't be in Comp. Shooting)

    I shot my first IDPA match on Saturday, and made some observations... (OK, take a deep breath, here goes...) The only guns I saw malf all day long were... Glocks. I saw light primer strikes, jams, sticking mags (one guy with what were definitely drop-free mags had to coat them with lube to...