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  1. S

    Bersa Thunder 380 minor malfuctions

    My Bersa will fire properly and seems to work mechanically until I run the magazine dry. The slide locks back, but not at all securely. Inserting a magazine almost always drops the slide, and so does giving the gun a mild shake. Even a gentle tap on any part of the gun seems to disengage the...
  2. S

    Norinco SKS repair

    I've recently purchased a Norinco SKS that has been very clearly assembled from a handful of different parts sources. Tapco stock, homebrew reduced capacity magazine assembly, mismatched wooden handguard, badly fitted replacement dust cover, and so on and so forth. At this point it appears to...
  3. S

    Getting a grasp on grip

    I'm on the newer side when it coes to handguns, but I've found one issue that stands out in my practice sessions. My big issue is with gripping the handgun properly and consistently. Now I will be the last to claim any level of expertise, seeing as how some folks here have probably been shooting...