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  1. O

    Video Worth Watching

    Ferfal has a series of videos on his blog that show just what happened in Argentina and, more importantly, how and why they happened. It will take about two hours to watch all of them but it's a real eye-opener. As I watched, I kept seeing parallels with our own country. I'm sure that was the...
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    If I were a Terrorist...
  3. O

    I gotta learn to keep my mouth shut!

    Back when I was a teen "getting a woman in trouble" had a very specific meaning. It seems that the term is now used to explain a number of things. Last night my wife had a meeting at her Church. It was a typical Methodist Church with typical issues to worry about. The wife was holding her...
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    "It" has arisen

    Of course it never has been really dead. It just lays there waiting for some controversy to nudge it. Then it stands up and waves a bloody shirt at us as if to blame us for what it has allowed. I'm speaking of the gun-control movement, of course and this is what I was greeted with on this...
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    A new, shorter loophole

    I see the other thread has been locked. I didn't find that out until I typed this. So - while it may not last long - I'm gonna post it! You can lock it too Al, I've had my say. I’ve followed the discussion about the so-called ‘gun show loophole’ with considerable interest. I’ve noticed...
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    Public Service Announcement

    Okay, this is one of those “gun related” Public Service Announcements the moderators will probably pull but I have to try. Most of us on this forum are men and – like men everywhere – we’re TOUGH!! We look at our own eventual demise with the same sort of Wagnerian philosophy made popular by...
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    You know you've been in Iraq too long when ...

    From my step-son in Iraq... You know you've been in Iraq too long when... # When mortars land near your compound and you roll over in bed and think "still way off, I got another 5 minutes" # When you start humming with the Arabic song playing on the radio on the shuttle bus # Every woman...
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    What do the people owe government?

    Interesting article. While I don't agree with everything he says here there is much truth in the rest.
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    Are we ready for a King?

    I've been following the discussions on the Military Commissions Act here and on some other forums. Follow this link: I know, I know - they're a bunch of Libertarians. But they've suddenly found some allies at thr Daily Kos. If such...
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    Unforseen Circumstances

    I had an interesting thing happen this morning that illustrates (at least, to me) how even the best training leaves us sometimes vulnerable to mistakes. I woke up about 6 am and lit up my computer. While it was warming up I heard a crash and a car alarm sounding off in the neighborhood. I ran...