Search results

  1. J

    Scrolling to the Right

    Does anyone else have to scroll to the right to completely read this forum or is just me? I think it is because of the second menu bar. The one that says Forum Policies, Firearm Saftey, Firearms Photos, Links...etc. That particular menu bar seems to be one pulling the page to the right. Just...
  2. J

    Gun Store Owners/Employees: How are sales?

    I hope I can get some honest answers to some of my questions! Unfortunately I do not have a network of fellow shop owners to exchange ideas with. I searched for forums of the like hoping to find a place where owners and or employees could share strategies. Nothing was to be found. Hopefully...
  3. J

    S.W.A.T. Article

    I try to advertise as much as possible for S.W.A.T. at my store. One of my customers today asked if I had any back issues. I have a few but I'm afraid I don't have the issue he is looking for. He is looking for an article about Olympic Firearms (AR-15) being shot indoors at 100 yards and...
  4. J

    Back from Camp Whittington

    Hello everyone! It is nice to be back on the Firing Line and back home again in Indiana. I wanted to take this time to publicly thank Rich Lucibella, Mykl and Alicia Wadas from for making my trip to the NRA’s Camp Whittington this past week possible. I thoroughly enjoyed the...
  5. J

    Rodgers Arms Co.

    Hi Harley, I told a customer at the shop I would write in hopes of finding some information for him. He has an antique .22 youth-size rifle that he wants to refinish for his grandson. There are parts missing from the outside that he would like to make and replace. He feels if he had a...
  6. J

    Two weeks and counting!!

    Two weeks and counting until my trip to Camp Whittington in Raton, New Mexico! (For those that did not see the announcement, my name was drawn from the raffle giveaway sponsored by and Gunsmoke Training Center...only because Rich forfeited his winnings! Thanks again Rich.)...
  7. J

    Volunteers Needed to Test a New Site

    Happy New Year to all my friends. We’ve been working really hard on a new site called Shooter’s Enrichment Program or SEP. Everything has been going well with the test runs on the “Contest” page until someone from AOL attempted to enter her answers. For some unknown reason each time she...
  8. J

    Just my range essay.

    I wanted to write about some of the things I've noticed and learned about shooters at the range. It will be boring for those experienced shooters, but hopefully it may reach some of the wives or new shooters who frequent on TFL...
  9. J

    Need Your Cleaning Advice on Ruger Mark II

    I recently purchased a .22 Ruger Mark II. I shot quite a few rounds through it before taking it to my brother-in-law for cleaning. Not until after he cleaned it did it begin to jam. I think he may have used too much oil. Upon my trips back out to the range this week, it has jammed...
  10. J

    E-mail/Icq Corresponding

    I'm interested in E-mail corresponding or via ICQ with anyone who is seriously learning to shoot or considering Law Enforcement. I practice 4-5 days a week and would like to talk with others who are doing the same thing. I'm interested in what techniques you may be using and for what purposes...
  11. J

    Get the Ibuprofen!!

    I had the most heart racing, adrenaline pumping experience of my life today. I shot my first set of firearms. I knew in my heart this was something I wanted to do and it surpassed all that I had imagined. What surprised me the most and also the group of guys that hovered, was my ability to...