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  1. C

    Ruger Super Redhawk in .30 Carbine

    Who else thinks that this would be great in a double-action revolver? Ruger could make one without too much trouble given the tooling they already have in place for the Blackhawk in .30 Carbine. The .30 Carbine round is about half as expensive as .357 Mag nowadays, and a 9.5" barrell like the...
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    McCain leads Obama Among "Likely Voters"

    The latest USA Today - Gallup poll is showing McCain ahead by around 4% among "likely voters" as of August 2-3. This looks like a bad trend for Obama, considering all the incredibly favorable media attention he received during his European - Middle East trip. Another factor to consider is the...
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    Obama Campaign Deliberately Leaked Western Wall Prayer

    Israeli newspapers are now reporting that the Obama campaign deliberately leaked the prayer he placed in the Western Wall in Jerusalem in order to burnish his bona fides as a Christian. It looks like the "theft" of the prayer note was prearranged by the Obama campaign, and used as a cover story...
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    Survey: Families Not Storing Guns Safely

    It is apparent now why there have been reports of intrusive questioning of parents at pediatric offices in the past few years. Just the kind of slanted survey useful for lobbying for safe storage laws. This survey's definition of safe storage apparently doesn't allow for keeping a loaded...
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    Applications for Concealed Weapons Permits Up In Virginia

    Things are looking up for Virginia, every concealed carry permit holder is another voter who will support pro-second amendment candidates. 45,000 people per year getting permits in Virginia equals a lot of pro-gun votes. *Gee, I don't know, maybe because most judges are elitests who won't...
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    Good Article from the LA Times

    I though that this aricle was pretty well balanced, astonishingly so considering it is from the LA TImes. The only argument I have with it is the assertion that the "individual right" interpertation of the Second Amendment is "new" simply because folks like Lawrence Tribe have adopted it.
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    Pre-lock 3" S&W Model 60?

    Does anyone know if Smith & Wesson ever made a 3" model 60 with adjustable sights, without the trigger lock? If so, what would be a good price for one in excellent condition or NIB?
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    Huckabee closing in on 1st Place Nationally

    From the article below, it looks like Huckabee really has the momentum, due mostly to his debate performances. It's telling that candidates with far more money such as Romney and Giuliani are sinking in the polls.
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    Good Article on Ron Paul's chances.
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    Fred Thompson and cancer

    Does Fred Thompson's bout with lymphoma make you less likely to vote for him? The same question came up years ago with now deceased Sen. Paul Tsongas (D-MA) when he ran for the Democratic nomination in 1992. Same form of cancer as Thompson if I recall correctly. It's one factor in his loss to...
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    Cop charged with selling guns on the street

    How can this be true. Mayor Bloomberg himself said that all crime guns in New York City come from gun shops in Virginia.
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    C&R License Application Question

    Has anyone applied for a C&R license recently? And if so, what is the current address where one is supposed to send the ATF Form 7CR? Is it the Atlanta, GA or the Dallas, TX address?
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    C&R License Question

    Has anyone applied for a C&R license recently? And if so, what is the current address where one is supposed to send the ATF Form 7CR? Is it the Atlanta, GA or the Dallas, TX address?
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    Installing sights on a Ruger SP-101

    Has anyone installed an adjustable rear sight on a Ruger SP-101. Specifically, a 2.25" .357? The only SP-101 models that come with adjustable rear sights are the 3" and 4" .32 H&R Mag model. I am wondering if these sights can be installed on the 2.25" .357?
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    Any Experience with AlfaProj (Czech) firearms?

    Does anyone have any experience on AlfaProj and their revolvers? It's a Czech company. I have never seen any of thier firearms for sale in the USA. I like the looks of their revolver carbine:
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    Ruger SR9 pics & video Looks nice, certainly not intended for concealed carry though.
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    Assault Weapons Prpoaganda: By The Numbers

    Here's a classic bit of anti-Assault Weapons propaganda, I have numbered the obvious lies (1) - (16) By my count there are 16 outright lies in the article. can you explain them by the numbers?, Can you spot any more?
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    February 2003 Bin Laden Tape: No call to overthrow Saddam

    Folks: Theres been a couple of Bin Laden tape threads recently closed for general incivility, rightfully so. I don't mean to poke the hornets nest all over again, but I'd like to provide this link and transcript of the tape from a relatively credible news source which clears up the initial...
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    Bob Dylan, Gun Owner

    I wonder if Dylan actually supports RKBA or is a Rosie O'Donnell style hypocrite. Dylan memoir shows singer as unwilling rebel AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE NEW YORK — Bob Dylan reveals in his long-awaited memoir that contrary to...
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    Protesters' Targeting of Republican Delegates Turn Ugly

    All these lefties need are the brown shirts and then the image of the Nazi goon squads targeting opposing political party gatherings in Berlin circa 1930 would be complete. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 31, 2004 CONFRONTATIONS By...