Search results

  1. S

    Affordable Elephant Gun?

    Anyone know of an affordable elephant gun option under about $1,000? I'm thinking something upwards of 6000 foot pounds. Wouldn't have to be a bolt action, but that would be pretty nice. Thinking something along the lines of the 500 Jeffery, 500 nitro, .458 Lott. I figure with casting my own...
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    V3 issue

    I recently purchased a new Remington V3 and noticed the barrel is not in line with the receiver. holding an arrow shaft to the sides of the receiver I see the end of the barrel is about a 1/4 inch to the right of where it should be. The reason for this is the mag tube doesn't come straight out...
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    12 ga zip gun velocity?

    How much velocity drop is there between an actual 12 ga barrel and a 3/4 inch pipe? Beings there is no chamber the wad is going to be pretty loose in a 3/4 inch pipe. Anyone done any velocity tests?
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    (off topic) Recoil To Bullet Speed?

    I have been thinking about long range shooting and got to wondering. Could how solidly you hold a rifle effect the bullet speed and drop? How much higher velocity's could be achieved firing with the butt of a rifle against something solid vs holding it loosely? Would it make much difference? Or any?
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    What went wrong?

    This morning I awoke to a coyote trotting around the house. Grabbed a 12 ga with a couple loads of 3'' steel T's, slid open a window and fired both rounds at 30 yards. I was able to track it in sparse snow for about 300 yards before losing it. I figure I may have hit it a bit far back. What do...
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    Have any of you hunted deer with a handgun?

    How many of you have taken deer with short barreled handguns? I'm talking something like an open sight 4'' revolver. I have taken 3 whitetails 2 being 4x4's in the last 2 years. Here in Montana we usually have fairly open country so it is pretty much spot and stalk. Both bucks were killed with...
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    Best Production .45 Colt Lever Gun?

    What's the best production .45 Colt lever gun for under $500? I am looking for a good truck gun that will handle years of mud, sand, and snow. I don't baby my guns, They get used pretty hard;)
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    Cut Down 1851?

    Anyone have any experience with a cut-down cap n ball? What do you think? I am tempted to get a barrel to cut down. Is it a good idea?
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    Sig Arm Brace Accuracy?

    Is it possible to shoot accurately with a Sig arm brace on a AR 15? How would a shorty AR work for a hunting rifle?
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    Will any .45 bullets work in .45 colt?

    I am looking for some .45 cal. JHP bullets for my .45 colt new vaquero. Any suggestions on a affordable, quality hunting bullet? One more thing, It would be pretty cool to have them nickel plated to go with my nickel brass and stainless gun;) Thanks
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    How hot of load for New Vaquero, 45 colt

    I made some handloads for my .45 colt new vaquero, cast 255 grain RNFP, 9.5 grains Herco, I borrowed a chronograph and they clock in at 1035 fps. So is this a load that will not be abusive in the long run? I really don't know and I cant find any info on the long term effects of using such rounds.
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    New Vaquero trigger spring...

    I have seen where people will take off one side of the trigger spring on a New Vaquero to lighten up the trigger pull, would/have you guys done that?
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    Herco load data for .45 colt?

    What is a max load of Alliant Herco in .45 Colt with a 255 gr RNFP? I can find Herco load data for 250 grain cast bullets but nothing on the 255 grainers. Is 9 grains about right? What would you guys recommend for a safe but hot load? I will be using them in a 4.62'' New Vaquero and possibly...
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    Tire weight to raw lead ratio for handgun bullets?

    I will be casting some lead .45 bullets and I am wondering what alloy I should make to have the best results. So what is a good ratio of tire weight to raw lead for round nose handgun bullets? I will mostly be using the rounds for general purpose hunting and shooting. Any ideas for a starting...
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    holster rig conditioning?

    my black holster rig arrived very dried out. What should I use on it to soften it up?
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    affordable 45 colt lever gun?

    Any ideas on what's the best production lever gun for hard use/abuse? I am looking for a straight stock, top eject, 16'' in .45 colt. I am not really looking to pay more than $450
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    swaging cast bullets?

    Is it necessary to swage cast bullets out of a Lee .452 diameter mold through a .452 diameter swaging die? Would it do anything at all?
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    1800's manufacturing of guns?

    I have often wondered how gun manufacturers were able to produce working guns without all the technology we have today. It must have been very difficult to mass produce precise firearms without computer guidance or the resources we have today. The fit and finish must have not have been very...
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    .45 colt cast bullet sizing die diemeter?

    What size resizing die do I need for .45 colt New Vaquero? I will be casting .454 and sizing down to the diameter I need.
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    Starline Nickel Plated 45 Colt Cases?

    Does Starline's nickel plated Brass last as long as there yellow brass?