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  1. N

    Modifying a NY AR to take a Normal Capacity magazine?

    Recent news articles state that the Buffalo NY gunman illegally "modified" his AR to accept a mag that would more than 10 rounds. Can anyone explain? Are NY ARs different than regular ARs? Is it like California and their goofy stocks? Or is the news media getting it all wrong AGAIN!
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    ? on Slidefire stock for 10-22

    A quick question for those who have a 10-22 slidefire stock. Has anyone else had a problem getting the rotating selector switch on the stock to work? I (and numerous friends and guys at the LGS) have tried numerous times and we have all failed to get the selector switch to engage. The stock...
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    Out of state handgun repair

    If a person lives in one state ( Illinois ) who stores a gun at a family members house in another state ( Indiana ) is it a violation of federal or state law for the handgun owner to drop the handgun off at a gunsmith (based out of a FFL gunstore/range) to have it worked upon? Rather odd...
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    Legal hospital CCW?

    A question arose yesterday while talking to a friend who works in a hospital in a bad neighborhood, who would like to CCW. Are there any states that allow CCW inside a hospital? I know in Texas most (if not all) hospitals have a 30.06 sign on them forbiding CCW, do not know about other states...
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    Anyone know a good Illinois Gun Lawyer?

    Without going into details I am looking for a Illinois Lawyer (preferably with experience in DuPage county) for a family member. The case involves a revocation of the person's FOID card. No arrests, violence or domestic issues involved. If anyone knows of a a good lawyer with 2A knowledge...
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    Mississippi legal question please.

    Chicago Tribune has a frontpage article regarding a gun that was illegally bought (Straw buyer) from a pawn shop in Ed's Pawn Shop in Byhali Mississippi by Michael Elliott that was later used to kill CPD officer Thomas Wortham IV. The Tribune is calling Mr Elliott's behavior a "split-second...
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    Jailed for gun possesion ONLY ?

    Hello, requesting assistance please. In a discussion with a LEO friend I made the statement that people (with a clean record, no felons,priors or domestic violence convictions) had been arrested, convicted and sent to jail in this country for possesion of an unloaded firearm. My friend...
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    NRA and the Biathlon, A question please

    A coworker recently went on a rant about the olympics and the US teams performance and asked me "Did the NRA help the Olympic Biathlon Team, and if not why not" Since he is an Anti and a friend I like to give him sh.. uhm, ehr Food for thought, yeah food for thought. I would like to find out...
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    Help fight a Mag Ban in Illinois, PLEASE

    Help fight a Mag Ban in Illinois, PLEASE A request for help please. In Illinois we are fighting SB1007 = no new mags >10 Rnds exempting .22 rimfire tubular magazines. I believe I caught the sponsor of this bill in a lie (So what else is new?) that may be able to be used to his advantage...
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    They came for me

    With apoligies to Pastor Martin Niemöller They came first for the Full Autos, and I didn't speak up because I didn't have any Full Autos. Then they came for the Semi Autos, and I didn't speak up because I didn't have any Semi Autos. Then they came for the High Capacity Magazines, and I...
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    Pricing help please

    Hello, I'm looking for some help on how much to offer for some ammo that is being sold by an individual upon retirement. The ammo is mixed some factory (including 2 boxes of Super Vels :eek: ) some reloaded. I normally would not buy reloaded ammo until I went over and looked at the reloading...