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  1. P

    Defensive Handgun Training

    How should I train for defensive handgun situations? The handgun training classes I attended, advertised as "defensive handgun", emphasized marksmanship rather than tactical or survival skills. What do I mean by that? Well, the classes taught me to use a weaver stance, focus on the front...
  2. P

    When to use deadly force for defense

    The below linked video of an actual defense encounter asks the question when it is OK to use deadly force. I agree with the commentator and the defenders in this encounter. What say you?
  3. P

    Should a pistol be aimed or pointed?

    A rifle is definitely aimed. I think that is generally agreed upon. A shotgun, by contrast, is pointed, not aimed. I think that too is generally agreed upon. So where does a pistol fit in that spectrum? Personally, I've had the idea that a pistol should be aimed, but recently I've tended to...
  4. P

    Solvents, Oils, Preservatives. Gun cleaning help, please.

    I've used CLP and I've used Balistol as solvents. I also have a bottle of gun oil that the salesman at my gun store told me I should use but I don't really know what it is, other than some sort of gun oil. I use Rig grease on external metal parts of my long guns, i.e. barrels and receivers...
  5. P

    An all-purpose shotgun. Advice please.

    After much self-debate over what my next firearm purchase should be, I have concluded that it should be an all-purpose shotgun. I already own a home defense shotgun. It's a 12 guage with an 18.5 inch cylinder bore barrel without choke options. That is fine. Its purpose is simple and limited...
  6. P

    Pocket Concealed Carry with Cargo Pants

    I recently watched a YouTube video demonstrating pocket concealed carry optioins. In it, the host demonstrated many options of guns and holsters used for pocket carry. All fine and good, but in all of the options he demonstrated, he carried the firearm and holster in his front pocket, but he...
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    Springfield XD-E

    Springfield introduced their model XD-E this year. It's a single-stack 9 mm that is hammer fired rather than striker fired. That alone is way cool with me. But that is not what I'm most impressed with. It has a combo safety/decocker lever. Push it up and it's in safe mode. Push it down and it...
  8. P

    Best and Worst Purchases

    Thinking over my firearms purchases, I have arrived at clear favorites for best and worst purchases. Admittedly, I'm rather new to firearms so I have a short list, but I am indeed certain of my best and worst purchases. Let's start with my worst purchase: My Marlin 60 rifle. Yeah, it shoots...
  9. P

    More guns or more ammo?

    A general question. Is it better to spend money on more guns or more ammo? We all know the adage: a gun without ammo is no good. So I ask, should I devote my discretionary spending on acquiring more guns or more ammo? My current philosophy favors the latter rather than the former. I tend to...
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    Hits, Outs, and Home Runs

    Regarding your firearms purchases, what would you consider a hit, an out, or a home run? Of course, this thread is dedicated to the World Series. Your purchases can be for firearms, ammuntion, accessories, upgrades, or training ... or anything else firearms related. Here are my hits, outs, and...
  11. P

    My new training rifle

    OK, so I'm a newbie. I bought my first ever guns last November, 2015. Included in my purchase was a Marlin 60 SN. I have to say this gun has served me well for the price I paid for it. It was more or less a throw in with the other guns I purchased at the time, but it has proved itself as an...
  12. P

    Should you carry your pistol at home?

    In the Oct 2016 issue of Shooting Illustrated magazine is an article that advocates that the best place to store your pistol while at home is on your person. In other words, always carry your pistol ... while in the kitchen, the bathroom, or in the back or front yard. The reasons given are...
  13. P

    Lesson learned with my .22LR rifle and new scope

    Let me start by saying I'm a new shooter (this year) so this is a newbie thread. Hopefully it will help other newbies like me. After much struggle hitting 100 yard steel targets at my local range using my .22LR rifle with iron sights, I finally bought a 4x-32 scope for it. I sighted the scope...
  14. P

    Drill Sergeant Dog Training ... Too funny

    This video made me laugh so hard I just had to share it.
  15. P

    Looking Forward -- Gun Choices

    As someone who is looking forward to hunting in retirement (not quite yet), I've been researching gun choices on the Internet. I so far have 3 favorites that I think will cover everything I would need. Note that I have never hunted before, but I do think I'm a pretty good researcher...
  16. P

    Support Arm Supination

    As a new shooter (this year) and having taken basic training classes in handgun, rifle, and shotgun, I have been practicing the lessons my trainer taught at a local range once a week. One particular marksmanship problem I've had is shooting my rifle in prone position. All of my shots miss to...
  17. P

    RSO's at My Local Range

    As a new shooter (this year), I have adopted a local shooting range as my home range. It has been around since 1958, has ample facilities for any kind of shooting, very reasonable prices, and most importantly to me, Range Safety Officers who enforce the rules. Yes, that's right. I appreciate...
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    NRA Mentor Initiative

    Dear fellow gun owners. The National Rifle Association has initiated a mentor initiative, asking its members to mentor fellow americans in the safe and proper use of firearms by inviting them shoot with you at local shooting ranges. I personally think this is a very good idea. In the battle...
  19. P

    Snap Cap Training at the Range

    Today I went to the shooting range determined to rid myself of my bad habit -- my tendency to anticipate recoil. I used the training method mentioned in TFL and other places where you mix snap cap rounds with live rounds in your magazine. The results were quite apparent. Of course, we should...
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    Caliber Wars

    OK folks, I'm sure you've heard many times that one particular caliber or round is better or best, and I'm sure you're wise enough to know that is always a subjective argument. We all have our favorites, and any particular round has its pros and cons. That being said, let me offer my subjective...