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  1. Z

    Glock 17 feeding issue UPDATE

    So i now have a new issue. When detail stripping my glock i have found another issue. Part of the issue i was having was that the slide would not go into battery until the trigger was completely released and i think i may have found the issue. The pics below are of the safety plunger where the...
  2. Z

    Glock 17 feeding issue

    Whats up everyone? So had my glock 17 at the range today and i had a few issues. First 100 rounds went smooth First was a single misfire. The round was chambered and the firing pin fired but no bang. After inspecting the round it was struck but VERY lightly. After that at random times...
  3. Z

    OK lets try this again... My Glock 17!

    I dropped in some nice stainless parts and did some custom grip tape... do you guys like it? I've gone shooting two days in a row since getting this.... hands down the best thing i have ever shot... I LOVE IT! After the comments about the barrel, here is a better look at it
  4. Z

    Got my Glock 17 today... dropped in a few pieces

    What do you guys think? Also want to add a stainless steel magwell to finish it off... do you like the look?
  5. Z

    What type of Drills / Practice do you do for competition prep

    Whats up everyone! So i'm thinking about getting into either pistol or 3 gun comps. I currently want to work on my pistol skills. What type of drills / practice do you do to enhance your speed and accuracy?
  6. Z

    Just bought a Glock 17... what should i add?

    First POST! Whats up everyone! So i just bought a glock 17 (gen 3... California SUCKS!)and I LOVE IT! I did like my SP2022 but after using my 17 i think im in love. My question.... i want to make this thing my baby, what mods should i make to it? (keep in mind i live in CA) i was thinking a...