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  1. M

    What If

    What If? Here's the scenario: You work in a secure office. The ONLY people who have access to the room during your shift are you and your coworker. While you're getting your lunch out of the Fridge you look down and realize your coworker left his backpack open on the table and there's a...
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    The Law of Stupids

    Don't go to Stupid Places With Stupid people (or where stupid people congregate) To do Stupid things At stupid times So the other night in Colorado Springs someone got car jacked in a 7-11 in a known high crime neighborhood. One of the news channels reported it on Facebeast and 10 or 12...
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    The Specialized Clothing Issue Always Seems To Come Up.

    I know that a discussion on this topic was recently closed but my understanding is it was closed for being SIXTEEN years old NOT for content. I know this is a valid topic because it comes up at least a couple of times a year on every single internet gun forum I participate in. There is a...
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    Protection From Theft/Ambush While At The Range

    This isn't a topic I've ever seen here possibly because it's a rare occurrence but several years ago a member of THR was murdered and had his guns stolen while shooting alone at a State owned range. I've only ever had one instance that really made the hair on my neck stand up. I was shooting a...
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    Concealmeant V. Accessibility In Winter

    My question is how do you balance concealment with accessibility in the winter. This morning I had my gun under a shirt under a coat and all I could think of was how many layers of clothing I was going to have to dig through if I had to get to that gun. I tried tucking the shirt behind the gun...
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    How Do You Evaluate What's Necessary For EDC

    There's currently a discussion on another forum that I participate at in which the OP is considering carrying a full size handgun and two spare magazines (for a total of 3) in the backpack that he carries daily to work. He currently carries a J frame in his pocket, no reloads were mentioned...
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    Press Checks, Is This A Thing?

    I read a discussion the other day in which a poster took a class where the instructor required them to perform a press check every time he had them load make ready. I have never been in any training environment ever that required me to do a press check. I've never had an instructor instruct me...
  8. M

    Magazine plus 1?

    Simple question assuming a magazine fed pistol, you load the magazine, insert it into the pistol and chamber a round. Do you go to the hassle of dropping the magazine and loading another round? I don’t just because it seems like an awful lot of bother for 1 extra round. Clarification: for the...
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    Do You Carry At Home?

    Old topic, I know. I just read a discussion on Glock Talk in which the poster asked "Where Ever You Are, Are You Armed Right Now?" Based on the follow up discussion I assume what he was really asking is "Do You Carry At Home?" I am currently sitting in my living room in Gym Shorts and a...
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    How do you train this out?

    I have a habit that I don't know to break. I have seen it on video but I don't know how to explain it. I'm on the range, the timer beeps and I freeze for a second then I reach for my gun. I didn't keep any videos but you can see the freeze. How do I get past that?
  11. M

    Flashlight Review

    In the time I've been doing security I've gone through a bunch of lights (including the old D cell Maglight). These three are the ones I kept. The first light is a Fenix E12. This the light I carried when I was working straight days and...
  12. M

    Concealed Carry While ON The Range

    The range I belong to has a rule that all actions must be open unless you are on the line and actually firing. For the most part I understand this rule and abide by it but I alway keep a holstered handgun loaded whether I'm on the line or not. Does anyone else here remain armed struggle all...
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    Streamlining Your Firearms "Collection"

    When I first started buying guns I bounced around a lot and bought a lot of different types of handguns in a lot of different calibers. After a while I realized that it cost a lot of money to stock on different calibers of ammunition and different types of magazines and accessories and I...
  14. M

    Kobayashi Maru There was a car jacking in Colorado Springs yesterday. I don't have any more details than what's in the article but by understanding is the car jackers approached the victim, talked him into giving them a ride...