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    Hide tanning questions.

    Does anybody here tan hides? I would like to try this just as a hobbie really I probably wouldnt sell any unless someone asked to buy them although I know of noone who would. I really know little to nothing about it although I did do a rabbit hide about two years back with my brother but all we...
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    Needing advice from a gunsmith

    So theo start with, you know how they say if you get a job you love you'll never work aday in your life? Well I would love to be a gunsmith. Maybe a short story? I'm 18 and until about two and a half years ago I was only interested in guns for hunting use.I was raised to believe they are no more...
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    New Turkey Gun

    So I'm in the market for a turkey gun. I'm looking at the benelli super nova 12 gauges. I really like them and have never heard much problems with benellis have always been under the impression that they are top of the line but I also am a FIRM believer in the idea that when a company becomes...
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    Turkey Hunting Help!

    Basically I need every type of help I can get. Other then using calls the calls themselves I have no idea what I'm doing. I have practiced quite a bit with mouth calls and box calls when I can (my wife hates absolutely hates the sound of them so just easier to do it when she's away) but I don't...
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    Affordable AR-10?

    Hi reader(s), I am kinda torn between two guns and have no idea what to do. Tikka T3 or a decent (not exactly entry level but somewhere along those lines) AR-10. I have never owned an AR and this will also be my first centerfire rifle I have found a Tikka for a great price but I'm not an AR guy...
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    .300 Blackout a big deal?

    Idk about in everone else's area but here in north central Arkansas and south central Missouri the 300 blackout is becoming a huge thing, why is this? I have absolutely no experience with this caliber have never even seen the cartridge in person. What can the cartridge be compared to? What are...
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    Recent hunt success

    Now I myself have not had a chance to hit the woods but I'm trying to get a night hog hunt going for this coming weekend and I will post pictures if I' am successful but until then let's see some of you members success. Excited to see some good whitetail bow kills!
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    Mosin Nagant Build.

    Now before I even go into this I would like to say that I realize completely that it would be easier and cost efficient in the end to just buy a already made entry level rifle for what i will end up spending on this build that being said please no criticism on my choice thank you. Now to what I...
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    North Arkansas Hunters?

    Is there anyone who lives near or hunts North Arkansas? I live in the Harrison area, havnt lived here long and am now looking for someone who knows the area better or someone who hunts the Buffalo River WMA. Before the last year I hunted my step fathers land so I havnt had this issue until now...
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    30-06 vs. 270

    So probably one of the most argued topics almost as much as which truck is the best the 30-06 Springfield versus the 270 Winchester. Although I have my own opinion of the two I ask not for knowledge but for the opinion of others. In the end is it really even possible to compare two such evenly...