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  1. M

    Turning out a very bad shooter

    I often got good groups from my 1943 Carl Gustaf, say around 3cm at 150 mt with metallic aims and my 63 years old eyes (no rest only a front sandbag). Yesterday suddenly I experienced a total inconsistency. Only element changed in reloading where bullets. Cause a shortage I had to buy Strela S&B...
  2. M

    ftx hornady brass, crimping another way

    So I am in the process of reloading about one hundred leverevolution 45-70 brass. This stuff is way shorter than sami specs, about 2-3mm less, and while normal RCBS dies can manage decapping, reforming and seating, it appears impossible to crimp. I have partially solved the problem shortnening...
  3. M

    Iossoo multipurpose paste to clean/lap barrell?

    Leaving on the other side of the pond seems I couldn' find the iosso bore compound anywherewhile while the multipurpose iosso polishing paste (pink one) is ready available. Would you use this one instead of the specific rifle's product? As I know many people, pro gunsmithers too, are using the...
  4. M

    Marlin 39A mountie, my firts 22

    This is my firts post. Cause was not able to find the new member intro forum, I will wright few lines about me here, before going to the subject core. If wrong please delete or move to appropriate site. English is not my motherthongue so excuse my mistakes. I shot at the range, mostly carabine...