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  1. R

    Holy cow!! That was fun!!

    I just went trap shooting with a couple friends for the first time. My shoulder kind of hurts, my arms are tired, but WOW, that was fun!! And I didn't do too bad for my first time. :-D
  2. R

    9mm - what should I look at?

    I am looking to buy a full size 9mm for target shooting, and was at the local gun store looking yesterday. The guy I spoke to was pushing Glocks hard, specifically the Glock 34, which he didn't have in stink and says he can't get. So, what else should I look at?
  3. R


    I am a new shooter and an incessant reader, so I am looking to read as much as possible in order to learn. Can you all point me to websites, books, other forums, etc that may be helpful? I am mainly interested in handguns at this point. Thank you!
  4. R


    I am a new shooter and am really bothered by the noise, to the point where I don't like to be at the range if there are other people shooting. Any suggestions? I double up on east protection and, weirdly enough, I don't think I flinch when I'm shooting. I really enjoy shooting and want to get...