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  1. W

    MOM march....Hackensack, N.J. !

    I was there, how come I only had 2 other counter marchers? The MOM's had about 150-200. Why did I have to stand and face the press from the Bergen Record(Newspaper), Chanell 9 & 12 NEWS....(NJ network news) ALONE..! I stood there virtually alone talking about how I thought the call for trigger...
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    4473..and multiple handgun purchase.?

    Acording to the 4473 form if you are making a multiple handgun purchase at one time...the dealer must fill out another form for the ATF. Can somenone elaberate on many does it require.....will ( 2 ) cause this form to be filled out? Will it cause me grief? Will I now be flagged...
  3. W

    Dremel - Vs. - Sears....Power hand tool..?

    Can anyone tell me if there is a considerable difference in these hand held power tools. I will be doing occasional work on my own firearms....and useing it around the house. Is the Dremel that much better than Sears ....or do they both come from the same overseas manufacturer, and just cased...
  4. W

    MAS 49/56 ....7.5 French

    Would anyone have a source for Assembly/Disassembly instructions, as well as recommended cleaning procedures for this semiauto rifle. Also, Is there a difinitive procedure on what is the best way to handle corrosive ammo like the Surplus French 7.5. I've heard recommendations to use...
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    Purchasing a Firearm overseas...and bringing it home.?

    I was wondering is anyone up to the task, or have they any experience in this regard. Perhaps someone could tell with some details if this can still be done. You see I was wondering if with the current changes in firearms laws in the last 5 years here in the good old USA. Could someone go...
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    For comments......WOLF

    Dear Pierre, I would first like to thank you for sharing that story with me, and the others here who will undoubtedly take the lessons you learned to heart. It is without a doubt exactly the situation we all dread from ever happening to us or our families. As far as your analysis of the causes...
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    C&R FFL Holders have you had any problems?

    My Question is this living in New Jersey, and reading "NAPPEN on NJ Firearm LAW". HE is Very clear that he warns NOT to get a Curio & Relic FFL license. He says that it only opens you to have the ATF...make a surprise inspection of your FFL book....inspect your C&R firearms to make sure they...
  8. W

    Home Delivery of cased AMMO.?

    I have a question for you all, I recently ordered 2 400 round ammo cans of 30.06 M2 ball. From a distributor out of Shotgun News.....firm is not important for the scope of this discussion. What shocked me is that when it arived via UPS delivery. It was shipped in the CAN....with AMMO written...
  9. W

    .303 British.........enlighten me, please.!

    If you can, could someone give me a run down on this caliber. Perhaps a modern equivalant. Gibbs, has a new conversion rifle called the QUEST Extreme Carbine. It is a cut down,converted,electroless knickle refinished carbine rifle. I am thinking about picking one up for fun and a nice truck...
  10. W

    Ok...Garand Lovers......were do you get your 30-06?

    I just brought home a beutifull International harvester M1 Garand. And would like your advice on Surplus militairy Ball.....who have you dealt with to get the 06 ammo.? What is the curent "Show" price for a case of 1000? Do they sell it or is it scarce at shows.? What ammo in .o6 is bad and...
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    Ok...Garand Lovers......were do you get your 30-06?

    I just brought home a beutifull International harvester M1 Garand. And would like your advice on Surplus militairy Ball.....who have you dealt with to get the 06 ammo.? What is the curent "Show" price for a case of 1000? Do they sell it or is it scarce at shows.? What ammo in .o6 is bad and...
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    Land Wanted......prefer easy digging.!

    Looks like I am in the market for a couple-a-hundred acres of mountainous land. Preferably rocky and steep, with large deposits of iron ore or iron oxide fool the metal detectors....If it has poison ivy, or poison oak so much the better. Cause if this keeps up boys I gota bury a...
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    Tritium sights....can they be detected.!

    I am posing the following question: If we take the current popularity in recommending the Trijicon/Reflex II site, and it's current popularity because of it's incorporation of a tritium light source with a forcasted life expectansy of 20yrs, and no need to replace batteries.. I can see why so...