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  1. F

    AOW semi-auto 12-gage?

    Do these exist? If you can order a pump shotgun from the manufacturer w/o a stock or with only a pistol grip, couldn't it be done for a semi-auto? Does anyone make/sell these?
  2. F

    AOW SxS 12-gage?

    I see AOW pump Remington shotguns all the time, but am having a hard time locating a source for an AOW side-by-side. It's my understanding that the Remi shotguns are purchased from the factory w/o a stock. That's what makes them AOW instead of SBS. Is this not an option for side-by-sides?
  3. F

    CAS Stage Examples

    As I am very interested in getting involved in cowboy action shooting (slowly but surely!), I'd like to hear about some of the more fun stages you all have shot at your various meets (the more detailed the better!). About how many stages do you have at each competition. How frequent are your...
  4. F

    Mateba Model 6 Unica

    Alright. Who's got one? A friend and I are seriously debating purchasing one of these unique firearms sometime in the near future. We both want the stainless model, and we both want the 8" barrel. Now, here's my question. What caliber should we get? For those who do not know, our options...
  5. F

    Walther PPK?

    What is the general concensus on these beautiful little firearms? I've wanted one for a while now, but I have heard some crappy stuff about them. Things like: failures to feed, heavy trigger pull, and the dreaded "walther bite". Granted, I've heard some good stuff too, but I still want to...
  6. F

    Question about my Maverick M88

    Ok, here is the deal. I receintly bought a Maverick M88 12 gage Security Model. It says it has a 6-shot capacity. Now, I automatically thought that only applied to 2 3/4 " shells. I assume I am right (someone correct me if I am wrong). Anyway, I take it to the range and attempt to put 6...
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    My first gunshow...

    Ok all, I just went to my first gun show, and boy was it fun! I actually even came back will a little piece of it. Haha. That is actually what I am posting for. I would like your all's opinions on whether or not I got a good deal. Here is what I got: Mossberg Maverick M88 12 gage with 18.5"...
  8. F

    Pistol Gripped Shotguns...

    Ok everyone, I need to be set straight. I have heard that in some states, a pistol-gripped shotgun is considered to be a pistol. Is this true, and if it is, is it considered one in West Virginia? My curiosity was piqued when I read that and now I have to know. Also, I think I read somewhere...