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  1. J

    Front sight adjustment on luger P08?

    I finally got around to some careful bench shooting with my P08 and two different kinds of ammo, and concluded that the sights are off a bit. Using the standard sight picture (#1 at, the pattern is 1.5 degrees to the...
  2. J

    Your most accurate handgun?

    I'm much more interested in real data than opinions and hearsay, "lay" or otherwise. I have no reason to believe the following from my Legend Target is any better or worse than average, and in fact statistically it's probably average, but it's a data point. Statistically speaking, the radial...
  3. J

    Luger misfire, ideas?

    One more pic. (By the way, these pics are the best I can do without photo gear I don't have, at least not in digital format)
  4. J

    Luger misfire, ideas?

    OK, here's what I did. 1) Assemble with side plate, but without the breechblock assembly. - Finger off trigger, push barrel forwards, then squeeze trigger. Sear bar spring is being worked as expected. - Pull barrel back, squeeze trigger all the way, then push barrel forwards...
  5. J

    Luger misfire, ideas?

    I was shooting my '37 Luger the other day, that has had a hundred rounds or so through it since I bought it in March. After 6 shots, number 7 was, pull the trigger and nothing at all - no fire, no click, nothing. I dropped the magazine, pulled the toggle back, and out came the round that had...
  6. J

    Removing recoil spring from guide, Sig P210

    This is the Legend recoil spring assembly (now slightly dirty after 150 rounds). There is what appears to be a torque value stamped into the end: Awesome gun by the way. Very smooth and easy to shoot, I can put rounds within the 10 zone all day a 25 yards, with most within a 3" group, and...
  7. J

    Removing recoil spring from guide, Sig P210

    I just picked up a P210 Legend, and poking around inside and trying to clean off all the oil and grease they packed it with, I see no obvious way to remove the recoil spring from the guide rod. Looks like maybe the end piece unsrews from the rod, but I don't want to muck with it unless I'm sure...
  8. J

    Old eyes and handguns

    This must be a common problem. As I've gotten older, my near vision has gradually gone to hell, to the point that at an indoor range with low lighting, I can barely focus my eyes on the sights. If I try hard, I can do it for a little while and am accurate, but then my eyes get tired and my...
  9. J

    What is the oldest cartridge handgun you own that you still fire?,,,

    The 1937 S/42 Luger in the center, at home on the range.