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  1. M

    Colt .22lr Target Model pistol barrel

    I have a Colt .22lr Target Model pistol. It's abotu 5 years old. The barrel is attached to the receiver by a screw thru a post that sticks out the bottom of the barrel. That post is loose and has fallen off of the barrel. It appears to have been affixed to the barrel by way of something...
  2. M

    We Were Soldiers

    Has anyone heard anything about the film, We Were Soldiers? The website says it's coming out March 1, 2002 on one page, then Feb 5, 2002 on another. I haven't seen a trailer either at the movie theater or on TV recently. I did see a trailer about the movie last summer, but I can't remember...
  3. M

    MN CCW passes House committee - Poll!

    We're trying to get a shall-issue CCW law passed here in Minnesota. It passed one of the first hurdles, passage through committee. It passed by a vote of 11-5 in the Crime Prevention Committee of the House yesterday, so the next fight is in the full House. It is expected to pass since it is...
  4. M

    Large voter turnout expected!

    Due to an anticipated voter turnout much larger than originally expected, polling facilities may not be able to handle the load all at once. Therefore, Republicans are requested to vote on Tuesday, November 7, and Democrats on Wednesday, November 8. Please pass this message along and help us to...
  5. M

    Socks and rocks

    I receive amusing stories and news articles from a relative in England. Here's one we gun-protectors can appreciate: Precaution of the week - A 16-year old boy has admitted possessing a sock filled with stones as an offensive weapon. Magistrates in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, have ordered the...
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    Al Gore on Al Gore

    Good afternoon. I'm Al Gore, and I'd like to tell you about myself. I know a lot about hardship, because I came into this world as a poor black child in a tiny town in the backwoods of Tennessee. I was born in a log cabin that I built with my own hands. I taught myself to read by candlelight and...
  7. M

    7 foot long barrel

    A local gunsmith has made a shotgun with a 7 (seven) foot barrel. The extra long barrel evidently quiets the gun down significantly, but doesn't fall into the category of a silencer.
  8. M

    A man and his dog

    A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that the dog had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them. After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall...