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  1. 5

    CA Ammunition background check

    Judge Benitez did it again! Ammo check is gone! Defendant Attorney General Xavier Becerra, and his officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and those persons in active concert or participation with him, and those duly sworn state peace officers and federal law enforcement officers...
  2. 5

    458 Socom optic.

    Wanted to hear what others are using for their 458 Socom rifles. I finally decided on a Vortex Strike Eagle 1-8, was thinking of putting a strike fire II with a 3x magnifier but settled on the SE. Didn't really want to go crazy expensive on the optic as it's very easy to do. The scope and...
  3. 5

    Swaging cases into bullets

    Does anyone know who makes the dies to swage pistol and rifle cases into bullets? There used to be a website that had a lot if info on it, where to buy supplies... From what I remember, the bullets made from old cases were pretty accurate. I know CH4D doesn't have the dies for it, maybe...
  4. 5

    CA Hi-Cap mag ban overturned!

    Today is a great day for CA, the ban has been crushed! Wiped out the whole penal code! Thank you judge Benitez! I hope this will help others in states that have bans in place!
  5. 5

    Wheeler F.A.T. Wrench.

    Anyone using this? I just picked one up, 15-110 inch pound digital model. Seems like a good torque wrench, I needed one of my own so that I didn't have to wait to borrow a friends.
  6. 5

    New project.

    Next project, waiting for everything is killing me! If you want more info,
  7. 5

    Bolt action shotguns.

    Who makes a tactical bolt action shotgun? I remember back a few years ago that a couple companies were making shotguns that held pretty good accuracy. Anyone remember what the name of the company is and if they still exist?
  8. 5

    Mossberg MVP-LR

    I see plenty of posts on the Patriot and it seems like a decent deal but I like the MVP. Anyone have one yet? Of course all of the typical questions about it plus how easy are mods to it if you've done any. What caliber do you have? I'd be more interested in the .308 or 6.5. Anyone done a...
  9. 5

    Weather related issue?

    A couple of weekends back I was at the range, when I first got there it looked like it was going to be a good day. A few miles from the range I passed through a little fog and hoped it wasn't going to be foggy. Came out of it quickly and figured it was just an isolated thing as I was driving...
  10. 5

    CZ 602

    I have a chance to buy a CZ 602 BRNO rifle, no scope or rings. I looked around and they go for about $800 depending on the seller. The rifle is chambered in 8mm-.378, I was thinking of changing it to .338 LM as this one is an odd ball that the owner wanted. I know he spent alot of money on it...
  11. 5

    CA people, BLM and Tannerite.

    You can no longer use Tannerite on BLM land due to fire danger, it carries a FELONY charge if caught!!! Remember this as if you're convicted of a FELONY, you lose your right to ever own a firearm again! It also comes with a $10,000 fine! Don't forget that you also lose the right to vote. This...
  12. 5

    Williams 5D rifle sights.

    I put a Williams 5D rear sight on my Win 94, very nice sight and I really like it. The problem now is the stock front sight, the bead on top of the blade covers to much. Does anyone know what model of Williams front sight that will eliminate this issue? I want a blade that's thin and allows me...
  13. 5

    AR bolt carrier gas key

    So I'm having problems with my AR at the range today, short story, I find that the gas key bolts are loose and the bolts weren't staked properly. Is there a special tool or can I take a punch and stake them between the bolts and the key side or do they need to be staked from the sides of the...
  14. 5

    Ammo brass

    Anyone know what happend to the site or if its coming back?
  15. 5

    Serbu 50 BMG semi is here!

    After years of waiting Mark has finally let the beast loose! The first batch will go to fill a Military contract and then the public get's theirs. Linky to pics of the finished product.
  16. 5

    New 50 BMG world record.

    The FCSA held their annual competition at the NRA Whittington Center this past weekend. One of the regulars set the new world record for 5 shots at 1000 yards, when the dust settled it came out to 1.94"!!! I would say that that's pretty damn good for a round that's nearly 100 years old! One...
  17. 5

    Free Matthew Corwin

    Wrongfully accused, wrongfully imprisoned, and held for days without even being charged, Matthew Corwin is now a sad testimony to a climate of fear. In this post-9/11 era, and especially after the recent tragedies at Virginia Tech, it is perhaps natural for people to be afraid. Fear can be a...
  18. 5

    So you want to fight California gun laws?

    I'm going to post this here and anywhere else that I can think of, feel free to post it every where you want. Seeing how this issue started in this thread and the idea came up as a combination of ideas, here it goes. If you truely want to...
  19. 5

    Warning to Kali people.

    I wanted to post this here, I know most have probably read it on THR. I know Tom so this isn't BS, hope his friend doesn't go to jail. I have a friend who had a search warrant executed by the LA gun task force at his apartment, which is located above a home, within LA city limits a few months...
  20. 5

    Ill. people, here comes your .50 ban

    I guess the 60 min and CNN reports scared them so much so that they placed a call to the Gubunator. Bill 1098 reads almost word for word like our AB50.