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  1. Y

    How to tell the difference between a 70 and 80 series gold cup

    I saw a stainless (I think it was bright stainless) Colt Gold Cup National Match in a pawn shop. Some minor scratches that should be no problem to polish out. I eye balled it as best as I could and it looked pretty good. Guy wants $825 out the door. How do I tell if this is a 70 or 80 series...
  2. Y

    Got a ingram mac 11 today

    I recently moved from California to Montana and went to my first gun show up here. I went with the intension of picking up a AK, but came home with a pre-ban mac 11. I figure I can get a AK anytime as there were enough of them and seems like the show happens every couple of months. I searched...
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    How to get started in trap shooting?

    I picked up my 870. I saw it used at the gun shop for a song. Wingmaster 870TC with 30" barrel. The thing is huge. I've been wanting to try trap shooting, and this gun seemed to be a compelling reason to start. Now that I got a trap gun, what's the best way to get into the sport. I picked up a...