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  1. E

    Bears! Oh My!

    Will my 4 inch Model 65 357 protect me from Georgia black bears?
  2. E

    357 ammo?

    I have just picked up my 357. It's a 4"stainless Taurus. It's nice to have a wheelgun again, It gets so boring shooting my old Glock-17. Anyway, I need to know what you guys would carry as a defensive round? Thanks.
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    Glock owners only.

    I'm just curious. I have been hearing a lot of horror stories about Glocks lately. Have any Glock owners out there experienced any problems? if so, what kind of problems. I'm starting to think I have the only trouble free Glock made. Please, I know its hard, but no Glock flames. Thankyou...
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    Firearms Instructor.

    How does one go about becoming a firearms Instructor? Mainly the 1 on 1 independent type instructor. Not L.E. or large formal range style classes, but small informal teaching sessions with private individuals. ANY help would be appreciated.
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    357 ammo?

    Well, now that I have my new Taurus 357 I need to get some opinions on what to use for home defense ammo. I'm new to the 357 club, Some folks say to shoot 38+p out of it. I know the majority of my range time I will shoot 38, but what about self defense? what do you guys think?
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    Well guys, I got my 4"Taurus 65 stainless today for 360.00 new. Thanks for all youre advice. It was a big help. This is the best Firearms site out there. The only problem is that I dont have enough time to spend on it! Thanks again to ya'll.
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    I'm considering the purchase of a new 357. I cant decide which to purchase. It must have a barrel of 4" What do ya'll think I should get? Cannot be too expensive.
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    ranges in north GA.

    I'm a newbie to this site and i think it's great! Any one know of any public ranges to shoot at in the North GA area? I used to go to the range up in the cohhutta wilderness area close to theTenn border but that is a long drive from Sugar Hill. any help would be appreciated.