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  1. G

    "Explicit statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering

    Here is a credible interpretation of the Palm Beach fiasco: Errors only Occurred in Presidential Races? Editor's Note: The following statistical analysis was sent to me by Robert Cook, PE, a...
  2. G

    Montana Members

    I was thoroughly impressed by your republican gov on CSPAN concerning election tabulations. Is he really a good guy? Sounded really intelligent and confident. Thanks.
  3. G

    Worst gun film of the decade

    I nominate Reservoir Dogs. 1. An unarmed civilian is pulled out of her hijacked car passenger window at gunpoint and survives (because she refuses to resist). 2. Another hijack victim is armed and shoots her agressor and is killed by an undercover cop, whom she mortaly wounds! 3. The torture...
  4. G

    Info on first Census 1790

    Although a different agenda may be in place today, racial and ethnic questions have been on the "form" from the start. [This message has been edited by G-Freeman (edited March 18, 2000).]
  5. G

    You needn't be Irish to appreciate this

    Amhrán na bhFiann Another nation's anthem Soldier's Song We'll sing song, a soldier's song, With cheering...
  6. G

    The Gun Disease

    The AMA and CDC have framed the concept of a "gun violence epidemic" in similar biological terminology. Are we the causal organism or the antibody? These terms seem to be a foundation of the control movement. Can all of you smart folks come up with a counter theory or refutation in the same...
  7. G

    The Gun Disease

    The AMA and CDC have framed the concept of a "gun violence epidemic" in similar biological terminology. Are we the causal organism or the antibody? These terms seem to be a foundation of the control movement. Can all of you smart folks come up with a counter theory or refutation in the same...
  8. G

    South African solution to school violence

    Junior police to monitor schools Business Day (Johannesburg) December 10, 1999 By Caroline Christierson Johannesburg - The Congress of SA Students (Cosas) announced...
  9. G

    NAR to sue BATF? Model Rocket enthusiasts are preparing to fight new regulations. The details can be found here. They appear well organized.
  10. G

    A few observations at the local courthouse

    I tagged along with a lawyer friend this morning while he tied up some loose ends in the hopes we could sneak off to do some shooting. While at the courthouse I was introduced and had a cup of coffee with the County Sheriff for the first time. He is a big, friendly man not past his prime, but...
  11. G

    How is your candidate doing here? Hate to see Keyes so far behind here so if anyone likes him please vote. Watch out though, if you take that quiz you may find that you are a closet (gasp) libertarian. :)
  12. G

    Anthrax Vaccines

    I'm curious how some of you who have served in the military feel about servicemen who are refusing these vaccines. Someone read a local letter to the editor to me this morning that suggested that the Commander in Chief should step up to the plate and take his to show how much confidence he had...
  13. G

    Colt Combat Commander in 9mm.

    Mr. Nolden, This may be a dumb question, but an older co-worker recently showed me a pristine Colt Commander in 9mm. He said he bought it at an estate auction years ago. I have tried to get information on this gun at the Colt website and others with no success. Can you tell me how old the gun...
  14. G

    America's Criminal Class

    Capitol Hill Blue, is doing a 5 part series on our Congressional leaders' affinity for illegal activity. Examples: Congressional members recently charged with shoplifting:8 Fraud: 7 Theft:4 Assault:1 Current defendants in civil lawsuits:21 Drug related...
  15. G

    Spooky brush with the dark side

    I live in a very low crime area, especially in proportion to population size. About 2 months ago, an individual in my neighborhood broke into an elderly man's home, murdered and decapitated him, and stole his gun. He was pulled over on a traffic stop by a local officer whom he shot and...
  16. G

    ATF interested in your blue plastic H20 barrels

    Friday in Washington D.C. a bomb squad, ATF agents, and a SWAT team held a dawn home invasion on a family based on a tip from a neighbor that they were seen storing large drums in their garage. They were using them to store water in anticipation of Y2K. My first response is how bad could this...
  17. G

    50 cal. FA Assault Drills

    Perhaps this has been posted previously, but this guy has some funny stuff:
  18. G

    Washington Post Calls For Confiscation

    WASHINGTON POST CALLS FOR CONFISCATION! By Neal Knox. - ( referring to a column from July 19) A Washington Post editorial recapped the gun positions of the various candidates, saying, "Mr. Bill Bradley comes closest to getting a grip on this country's gross national proliferation of concealable...
  19. G

    We are supposed to think all intelligent women hate guns

    Hey all, I am new here, but have just come back from CCW class taught by 2 very impressive ladies. The first was a criminal lawyer who spends time educating state representatives at the capitol and really knows her stuff on the use of deadly force by civilians. The second is the wife of a LEO...