Search results

  1. L

    Best self-defence ammo for Bersa Thunder .380

    Love my new Bersa, light, compact, accurate, easy to field strip. I made a great choice. Now I would like to ask you very knowledgeable people what is the best self-defence ammo for my .380 and where can I buy it off the net or in California. Thanks in advance.
  2. L

    Taurus pt145 recoil & is it a good .45?

    Alright, down to my last gun of 2002 thanks to the new Cali laws. Had my heart dead set on A Ruger kp97 .45 until I heard of its slide problems and plus I don't want brass in my face or eyes. Anyway, read that the Taurs pt145 with its high capacity and small size had all of the bugs worked out...
  3. L

    Ruger P97 .45 problems?

    This will be my last gun of 2002, but on another post, a member mentioned some problems with the slide. Has this been worked out, don't want to buy a lemon for my final gun purchase of 2002. I'm new to guns but heard that rugers are very fine guns and that's why I chose this .45. If it...
  4. L

    Cali 30 day waiting period, 10 day dros question.

    Alright, I'm due for one more purchase in 2002 before I start my long-gun collection. In California, you can get 1 hand gun per 30 day period. I just bought my .380 on November 20th and my dealer says I can't pick it up until December 1st. Wouldn't ten days be I can pick it up on November...
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    About gun purchases in Cali before 2003

    I was at my firearms dealer yesterday completing my dros and I asked him about the new law. He told me that as long as you dros your firearm before the first of January you are okay and don't have to go through the other hoopla. I had posted not too long ago and a person said that his dealer...
  6. L

    End of the year purchase question re: new california gun laws

    Hey, Gotta get two guns before the year is over. Just ordered my Bersa .380 from Davidsons ( lifetime replacement warranty- it is in the process of shipping now. Now next month I may purchase my final gun of the year on December 25. Now that still leaves the 10 day waiting...
  7. L

    Cowboy double action revolvers

    Just watched Tombstone a couple of times recently ( The best Western I have ever seen, I typically don't care for the old cowboys killing the Indians flicks) and I want me a cowboy six shooter. The only thing is, most of these revolvers like the Ruger series' are all single action. Any double...
  8. L

    Power of .40 and 9mm carbines vs .223 & other rifles

    I was looking at a Ruger Carbine with "16" barrel that shoots both 9mm and .40 handgun cartridges. How much speed and power can a carbine add to these loads and how do they compare to .223, .30-6 and other rifle loads? Is the damage comparable? What about the range? I'm interested in perhaps...
  9. L

    When can a Leo search your car?

    Okay, I'm in California. There has just been a shooting or burglary or whatever within a few miles of where and I am driving,with my .38 snub under the seat . I'm going to the store to get some ice-cream for my wife. Kind of rough neighborhood , about 9pm. Cop pulls me over. I'm a Black dude...
  10. L

    Ever been stopped by Leo with a gun on you/in car?

    This is for those that don't have the luxury of being able to utilize their right to carry. Ever been stopped by a leo and you had your gun illegally in the car or on you? Did you get scared? Worse, has a leo ever found a gun on you? I remember the most uncomfortable I have ever been was when...
  11. L

    concerned about getting Makarov

    I am thinking of ordering the new Bulgarian Makarovs but I was concerned for a couple of reasons. One is that I heard on this forum the 9 x 18 ammo was hard to come by ( thought maks were .380's). Also I believe the new Bulgarian makarovs are used ( it said very good to excellent codition on...
  12. L

    9mm vs .45 which is better

    Most Police carry 9mm's. Is it because 9mm have better range? What is the best choice in a self defense situation. I know that .45's have a shorter range and are slower, but does the knockdown factor negate that? WHat is the range of a good .45? Are 9mm simply more accurate and faster...
  13. L

    Bullets vs. vehicles: How safe are you while in one?

    Hypothetical situation. I'm driving a SUV ( ford explorer) down the street when I inadverdantly wander into gang territory and a gang thinks I'm the enemy and starts blasting from a moderate distance. One gang on one side of the street are armed with a .38, a .45, A 9mm, and a .357. and a...
  14. L

    What's harder on the ears the .45,.40 or 9mm?

    With all this recent talk about ear damage, I am trying to decide on a good self-defense firearm for carry and the bedside. I was dead set on getting a .357 before the year ended until I heard a few ear damage stories. Which of these three is lightest on the ears? I have my heart set on a...
  15. L

    .357 noise :How loud are 110grain .357's?

    Just read a couple of polls about how .357's are the loudest handguns. What if you load a .357 with 110 grain hollows, will that cut down the noise considerably. In certain situations, I would like to just pick up my gun and shoot without having to worry too much about losing my hearing. Might...
  16. L

    One eyed aiming when shooting

    How many of you aim with one eye when shooting? If so, what is the proper technique when a right hander is aiming? Are you suppose to close the opposite eye of the hand that the gun is in or vice versa? I am a better shooter because of advice on this board and was wondering if someone could...
  17. L

    Pistol grip or traditional square butt?

    Man I love the way a pistol grip looks. What is more practical for home defense, the traditional or the Pistol grip? Never held a pistol grip but man they look fierce. Pro's and cons to both please
  18. L

    Makarov under different name?

    I'm going to buy a .380 next month and am looking at the Bersa and Makarov. However, while the Bersas are plentious, I cannot find a Makarov to compare. Are Makarovs sold in the United states under another name or are they "on the list"? I went to the gun locator at Gallery of guns and couldn't...
  19. L

    Do all .357's shoot .38's also?

    I noticed that a lot of .357's shoot .38 special also. I think that's cool because it's like having two guns for the price of one. However, do all .357's shoot .38? I noticed the smithy's do, but what about Taurus' and rossi's? I have a snubby .38, but if I buy a .357 I want it to shoot...
  20. L

    Anybody ever shot a .357 in self defense?

    Who has and if so how accurate were you? was the perp scared? Noise, muzzle flash, recoil? Anyone know of stories where a .357 didn't stop a perp?