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  1. I

    Long Range Hunt....uh-oh.

    I know this is opening a whole can of worms, but I have some questions here, being a novice hunter. First, the reason: I just got back from a hunt where we were told by locals, and other hunters that long range shots were what it would likely take to bring home the bacon. Our guides also...
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    Help with Hunting Rifle....

    Going to pick up my first hunting rifle in the next few months, and I am trying to pick a caliber, and rifle. The game I will be going after is Deer, Elk, and possibly some black bear as well. I am not planning on trophy hunting, soley putting meat in the freezer. So the questions I have...
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    Back from my first hunt...Results/Lessons Learned.

    So, as mentioned in a previous thread, I went for my first Elk hunt today. It was actually my first anything hunt. We started out hiking a logging road that went around and over some clear cuts in the forest, where we found some game trails and elk and deer tracks. This was a good spot for...
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    Going on my first hunt next week....Advice?

    Found out today that I am going to get the opportunity to finally go on my first hunt next weekend. I will be hunting Elk in the cascade range, on the opening weekend of the season. I will be with atleast one experienced hunter, and actually borrowing one of his rifles, since I don't have any...
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    weaver scopes Fixed vs Variable?

    I was just about to pull the trigger on getting a Weaver K4, due in part to Art's recommendation about their quality. But for a little more I can get one of their variable, and I am wondering if I am better off with the fixed or the variable? Is the fixed a better buy due to durability...
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    Another thread about Tyler, TX, but an important question.

    The situation in Tyler, TX has brought up many questions regarding tactics in dealing with an active shooter situation, especially one where body armor might be a factor. We all know that a pistol is a poor stopper to begin with, and that hitting a moving head sized target at 25, 50, or even...
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    First rifle for a child.

    With our first little one on the way later this year, I am "negotiating" with my wife to get a new .22lr rifle. This is for my child, when he or she is old enough ofcourse. But I would like to get something about the time of the birth, something that I will use for a few years, and then teach...
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    Painted My Rifle (with pics)

    I have been wanting to paint this rifle since I got it last summer, and I finally got the chance to do it over the last couple nights. I wanted a pattern that would look good, but also match the environment where I live, and I think I achieved that well. What do you think? I.G.B.
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    Couple of nice finds at my familys house....

    I am visiting my family this weekend, and my step father and I were browsing through some of his old firearms, and we found a very nice condition Springfield Armory model 1873, looks like it was made in 1887 or 81, I will have to look closer, and is in very very nice condition. Still works, and...
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    I got my revolver back!!!

    Five years ago, I went out and purchased my first handgun, a Ruger Blackhawk in .357 mag. I had spent months debating what I wanted, either a semi-auto, or a single action revolver, and the revolver eventually won out. It took me months to finally save up for it, but in the end, it was mine...
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    Looking for a Kerry Political Cartoon.

    I saw a great political cartoon the other day. It was John Kerry, sitting in a bathtub, with a big ship with his name on it, sinking, while a small boat with swift vets on the side was shooting at it. And Kerry was crying. Unfortunatly, I can't find it anywhere. Anyone else see it? Got...
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    Rifle Choice Help

    In my "Rifle Scope Help" thread, a couple of people had mentioned that I should reconsider my choice of rifle that I was looking at, so I thought I would start a seperate thread dealing with that, in the hopes that people could help me make a good rational decision. I have decided to add...
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    Rifle scope help...

    Wow, it's good to see TFL back again. The new colors look good. I got a question for everyone here. Posted this over at THR as well. Still working on which choice of rifle that I am going to go with, but I have narrowed the field down, so now I am looking towards my options with scopes...
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    Odd Question about recoil?

    This may sound a little odd, but i was reading in another thread about .32s and .380s and someone mentioned how the .380s recoilded more sharply than other pistols. I had heard this before, and i understand why, well sort of. I have thought about purchasing, when finaces allow it, a...
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    Ammo for SKS

    I am hoping to pick up my new SKS sometime in the next week or two, so i need to start thinking about what to feed it. I know that the easy answer is cheap Wolf ammo....but what variety? I looked online, and Wolf has 122gr SP, 122gr HP (well, psuedo HP anyway), 154 gr SP and 154 gr HP. Any...
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    Camoflauged rifles

    As i mentioned in a thread last week, i just put some money down on a used SKS and i am thinking of putting a camo stock on it, just to make it a little different. I had previously thought of sending it to, since they seem to do a pretty nice job. But then i saw some of the...
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    Impulse purchase....

    Went to a gunstore the other day and put down a deposit on a nice looking SKS. I had been looking at everything from a NEF Survivor to a Cetme to a SAR to a lever action to a .22. But in the end i decided to get a SKS. Its a Chinese in excellent condition, with a longer than normal blonde...
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    Red Dot on "Social" SG???

    Wanted to get some opinions here. I purchased a Mossburg 500 a few years back, mainly for home defense, and although i am pretty pleased with it, its sights (lack of) kinda annoy me. While the bead site is fine for shooting clays, i find myself wishing for ghost ring sights when i shoot...
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    Which .22lr

    Well, as i have mentioned in a few previous posts, i am looking to get better at rifle shooting, since i have never been very skilled with a rifle. I can easily hit 23 out of 25 clays with a shotgun, or put all 8 rounds from my pistol in the 10 ring at ten yards rapid fire, but i am worthless...
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    NEF Handi-rifle

    Was doing some more research on what my next rifle will be, and as always, i am very undecided. But ofcourse i have plenty of time before i can purchase it, probably around Christmas time. Since the rifle will pretty much only be used for plinking, and increasing my markmanship (been awhile...